"Mum, Dad...We Have A Date."

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They moved together so beautifully - Phil in the chair with his feet planted firmly on the floor, and Dan in his lap. Two candles burned at the table, and the silhouette of their naked bodies danced on the wall behind them.

Dan's shoulders rolled as he leaned down into Phil's frame from above, exposing the sensual, hollow dips of his collarbones. Their open-mouthed kisses were deep, passionate, and unbroken. Their pelvises rotated together - hips meeting, tilting apart and meeting again, and again. Phil's hands roamed Dan's long, beautiful back, gripping him tightly with each downward plunge. Dan's hands ran between Phil's broad shoulders and his neck without ever leaving the smooth slopes of his skin, his long thighs propelling them both into inevitable bliss.

Dan arched his back, allowing a sliver of light to pass through their bodies. As quickly as it appeared, the space closed again. They continued to rock together, Dan's hips scooping faster and faster with Phil's hands at the small of his back. He wanted to admire Dan more completely, but that would require separation, and he couldn't manage to pull away for even a second. Dan dropped to latch onto his ear now, teething and moaning with his shuddering climax. Phil shook beneath him, and released upon hearing Dan's beautiful sounds. Phil held Dan in place.

They made love in various places around their home, at all hours of the day and night. Their appetites were strong and healthy, even outside of Dan's heat. In eight years, they had not experienced a single dry spell; they were young and madly in love.

A wedding date had been chosen. Their their celebration was to make Italian and make love right at the dining room table. (It wasn't planned, of course, the most passionate of moments rarely were.)

They sat, Dan slumped over into Phil's chest; both of their bodies dewy with sweat. Dan's heart thumped viciously, and he leaned into his fiancé for support. He felt dizzy with equal parts pleasure and exertion.

Phil swept the damp hair from Dan's forehead and kissed the newly-exposed skin.

"Dan...that was...incredible." Phil reached down to find Dan's hands, which were resting on his hips. Phil held them and kissed the backs of them, their fingers intertwined.

"Yes Daddy." Dan sighed. "So...so amazing." He didn't want to get up. He didn't want to feel Phil leaving his body.

Dan looked over to the table beside them. Only traces of their feast remained: two empty wine glasses, two plates covered by napkins, a single roll in a basket, and two dripping taper candles. Phil laughed when he saw Dan eying the mess left behind.

"Don't worry about the mess Baby. I will take care of it. Why don't you go start a shower, yeah?"

Dan knew that he should lift up off of Phil, but he really felt like sleeping right where he lay.

"Mmph. Okay." Dan rolled his head up and kissed Phil's cheek. "Thank you Daddy. Any chance I will see your beautiful face in the shower?"

Phil kissed his shoulders. "You just might." Dan smiled. He desperately wanted to feel his daddy's hands in hair, his fingertips massaging shampoo into his sensitive scalp. They would take turns washing one another. They discovered this very erotic ritual about a month ago, in the bath.

Phil pulled on his pants and started to clear the dishes. He could already hear the water running in the bathroom. His mind drifted to the memory of the phone call, and he smiled with pride.

Kate called every Sunday afternoon to check on her boys. Today's call had been a wonderful one indeed. Kate realized that they had news when Phil asked for Michael to join the conversation.

"Mum, Dad...we have a date." Phil announced. Dan curled up beside him and smiled, revealing his adorable dimples.

"Michael! They have a date!" Kate shrieked. Everyone laughed.

"Yes Darling, I heard the boy." Michael was smiling too, just as anxious as his wife.

"Dan? Sweetheart? Do you want to tell them?" Phil turned to his blushing fiancé. Dan nodded and
wiggled his bottom, causing his tail to stick up straight behind him.

"We are getting married on October 19, 2018!" Dan smiled as he spoke, looking at Phil the entire time. "It's a Friday."

"October 19!" Kate cried. "How wonderful!" Dan's eyes lit up. He was positively beaming. Phil pulled the phone aside to kiss him on the lips, and suspected that his parents were doing the same.

"Have you any thoughts on where you would like to have the ceremony?" Michael finally asked.

"Yes, we've decided to come back to Manchester for that." Phil smiled at Dan, rubbed his back with his free hand.

"That is great son, just wonderful." Michael understood the significance of their decision. He realized that Phil and Dan were incredibly sentimental and that they celebrated everything
with meaning. It pleased him.

"We are less than a year away!" Kate sniffed. "There is so much to be done!"

Phil giggled. "It's okay Mum, Dan and I have been working on our wedding plans quite a bit already. We are just so excited." He played with Dan's tail, which was draped across his lap.

"Yes, of course Darling. We're just so happy about this." Michael pulled his wife into a hug and they swayed where they stood.

"That means everything to us." Phil pulled Dan in at the waist and kissed his temple. "Thank you so much."

Dan felt warm and tingly inside. Having the love and support of Phil's family made him forget that he didn't have one of his very own. He had everything that he needed in three people. Dan snuggled up to Phil's side and began to purr.

"Let's talk about everything at Christmas, yes? Dad and I would like to help with some things." Kate dabbed at the tears in her eyes. She couldn't wait to help her boys make their special day everything that they deserved.

"We would really love that. Thank you so much." Phil pat Dan's hip and squeezed him lovingly. Dan responded by rubbing his ears and face against Phil's arm.

Phil wondered if Dan thought about what it would be like to be able to make this call to his own family. Did it make him sad? Was it possible to miss something he never really possessed?

He rinsed the wine glasses and hung them upside down to dry. He thought that he heard Dan singing, and he smiled.

Perhaps he should keep his musings about Dan's family to himself. Phil certainly didn't want to upset him, not now. Dan was happier than he had ever been in his life. He was healthy and strong, and he was completely independent.

Dan had grown so much in eight years, and Phil had too. Together they learned that it was possible to love so deeply that it gave everything new meaning. They world was a different place in love. Every experience was shared, though individuality was never compromised.

Dan had been inspired by Phil and had started his own YouTube channel years ago. His career thrived on its own, and Phil was so very proud of him. Dan was making his own money for the first time in his life. Contributing to their household made Dan feel like he could do anything. It was virtually unheard of for a Neko to make his own money.

Phil encouraged him. It was not a popular position in the beginning, as many people felt that Nekos were meant to be dependents. Still, Phil insisted that Dan maintain his own career, providing love and support when others criticized him for it.

Dan, like Phil, had become sort of a pioneer. Many considered Dan a hero for Nekos; he was a success story of his own kind.

Phil opened the bathroom door to see the shadow of Dan's body behind the glass. He loved the boy.

He absolutely loved the boy.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now