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On Sunday they called Kate and Michael to say hello. It was tradition to end the week with a phone call. Kate never expected to get one with her boys on their honeymoon; it was a lovely surprise indeed.

Phil decided that their news of seeking adoption should wait until Christmastime. It was not, after all, something for casual conversation.

Other than making Dan his husband, Phil could not think of anything so exciting. Although Kate and Michael never pressed about private matters, Phil was certain that they would be overjoyed by the news of a grandchild.

In two days, Dan and Phil would return to London. Their time at the villa had been absolutely incredible. They spent far more time outdoors than they thought possible, and they found that it was something that they would like to do more often. Something about the openness of Cornwall and the peace of the island affected them.

Phil rolled over to find Dan already awake and looking at him fondly. His large, round eyes were full of excitement, and his ears twitched back and forth playfully.

"Good morning Sweetheart." Phil leaned in to kiss Dan's right dimple.

"G'morning Daddy." Dan giggled. He pecked Phil's lips quickly and nearly pounced on him. All of a sudden, he was sitting on Phil's lap, looking down at his chest and face. His tail swirled around behind him, tickling Phil's thighs.

Phil had to laugh at the way Dan mounted him. He was full of energy, not unlike an actual cat. "So playful already Darling?"

Dan nodded and licked his lips. He swooped down to kiss Phil's cheek. Phil wrapped his arms around him and held him there.
Dan realized that his daddy had him pinned, so he relaxed and feigned surrender. But for the fit of giggles, Dan was silent.

Phil pulled his hands away slowly, lightly grazing Dan's ribs. He howled at the sensation. "It tickles!" He twisted and turned in his daddy's arms.

"Does it Baby?" Phil laughed. "Okay, I'll stop." Phil's fingers came to rest on Dan's beautiful bottom instead. He groaned.

Dan turned his head on Phil's shoulder so that his nose touched his unshaven cheek. He sighed at the feeling of Phil's hands on his behind. The cool metal of his wedding ring surprised him; he was still not used to the feeling.
How he loved the reminder.

They lay together for a long time, both aware that their holiday was coming to an end. The truth was that being home together was even better. They took care of each other, worked hard, played hard, and indulged in their favorite things together. Phil wondered how many people were this happy at home. Holiday was wonderful, but better than this was the realization that it never really had to end.

They would miss their privacy the most. The sea was lovely, and they would cherish their memories made by the water. Making love on the beach was truly one of the most romantic moments they had ever shared together. They would not leave without doing it again. This time, they would not wait for the moon.

* * *

Dan couldn't remember a time in his childhood in which he felt supported.

Phil enjoyed constant and unconditional support from both of his parents. His earliest memories included them.

Sometimes Phil wondered how Dan survived such a loveless childhood. Not only had he survived it, but he was an incredibly loving, affectionate, and generous adult despite it.

Phil knew that he was lucky to receive Dan's love. He never took it for granted.

Their child would know unconditional, uncompromising love from the very beginning. There would always be cuddles and kisses, books and bedtime, laughter and traditions. Their child would know love through the example of his parents. They would model a healthy, loving relationship for their son.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now