True Love Waits

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"I'll drown my beliefs,

to have your babies.

I'll dress like your niece,

and wash your swollen feet.

Just don't leave,

don't leave...

I'm not living,

I'm just killing time...

Your tiny hands,

Your crazy kitten smile.

Just don't leave,

Don't leave...

And true love waits,

in haunted attics.

And true love lives,

on lollipops and crisps.

Just don't leave,

Don't leave..."

True Love Waits - Radiohead

They fell into place rather naturally. Dan was interested in being helpful, and he wanted to learn how to do things for himself. He asked a lot of questions, and Phil never let him feel ashamed or embarrassed. The truth was that Phil had a lot of questions about Dan's life. He wanted to know everything about the beautiful Neko boy who seemed to have been placed in his path on account of some divine intervention.

The autumn weather was becoming cooler and the darkness was coming earlier now. Leaves were turning and falling to the ground. Phil loved the season, and thought that it would be quite nice to go for a walk. He knew that the fresh air always helped to clear his own head, and he wondered if it would benefit Dan as well. The Neko, after all, had a lot to work through. He was picking up weight, and gaining strength with each passing day. His physical injuries had healed, but for his poor tail.

"Dan?" Phil always approached him slowly so as not to frighten him. He was particularly sensitive to anything that may trigger the boy. Phil understood that there had been great trauma, both in childhood and in adolescence. Most recently, Dan had been jumped in the street and left trembling in the train station rest area. So Phil always moved slowly and carefully around Dan, explaining what he was doing and why. He avoided touching him, unless Dan specifically asked for something that required it. Even then, Phil always confirmed his permission.

"I was wondering if you would like to take a walk with me?" It was a beautiful evening, and Phil hoped that he would say yes.

Dan looked up with interest. "Sure...that sounds really nice." He bit his lip, and Phil thought that he seemed nervous. A second look confirmed that Dan was also blushing. Phil felt his own heart skip a beat.

Phil smiled, and he felt his own cheeks heat up. There was something inherently romantic about taking a walk together, though it hadn't occurred to him. Phil immediately regretted the suggestion - not because he didn't want to be romantic with Dan, but because he did.

Phil most certainly had feelings for the Neko. He couldn't deny them any longer. The tingles were there from the very beginning, and they only became stronger and more persistent with each passing day. The hardest part about his feelings were containing them; he would not dare put them on Dan, not after all the sweet boy had been through. Dan needed to feel safe and secure, and Phil would never forgive himself if he made him feel uncomfortable in his fragility. He decided early on that he would be patient and follow Dan's lead.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now