Full Circle

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It was Dan's idea to go to Cornwall.

"Are you absolutely certain Sweetheart?" Phil asked for the third time. "If you've changed your mind, we -"

"Yes Daddy. I'm sure. Please don't worry about me; I'll be fine." Dan grinned as he adjusted his cream-colored jumper. "Honestly, you're so cute when you worry." Dan kissed him on the forehead.

Phil smiled at the soft sweetness of his lips. Of course he trusted Dan. He was confident and far removed from his childhood now. Being loved by Phil, and loving him in return, had given him a wholly different outlook on life. Besides, this visit wasn't about him. This was about them.

Phil, a humanitarian by nature, was so moved by Dan's idea to visit the Cornwall Home for Neko Boys. So much had changed in the ten years that Dan had been added to the registry and listed.

Dan was placed within 24 hours of his 16th birthday. He went before all of the others, and he was terribly frightened. Having been marked only one day earlier with his birth month and day, 611, Dan felt humiliated. (The tattoo, high on his right cheek, near his hip, had since been covered up with a single Cherry Blossom.)

The trade was mostly underground now, and those involved were at risk of arrest and incarceration for Neko trafficking; the penalties were steep.

Phil was credited with much of the change as a leading advocate for Nekos. He had a dedicated audience around the world, and they were devoted to creating change in their own communities. England was the world's leader, closely followed by Scotland and France.

Sometimes Dan would read articles written about Phil and cry out of pure pride. He was a nothing less than a hero. Humans and Nekos alike looked to him for advice and encouragement. Phil had to create a third channel to separate entertainment from politics, and Dan appeared regularly.

There was just enough time for a two-day visit to Cornwall before returning to London to prepare for their honeymoon in the Mediterranean. They would take the train.

Phil had never been to the southwest before. He was impressed by the beauty of the countryside, even in the near eve of winter. Dan, who normally enjoyed the window seat, encouraged Phil to take it for a better view.

Dan sat to his left, wrapping his upper body around Phil's left arm. He pointed out landmarks along the way, rubbing his face along his Daddy's chest every time he leaned across to point to something. The last time he did it, Phil held him there.

"I hear your heartbeat Daddy." Dan smiled. He closed his eyes and remembered the time that Phil introduced him to the very intimate calming technique. "In for four and out for six,"
Phil would repeat.

It was their first train ride together, only six months after the attack. Phil anticipated that Dan would require special care, and he was prepared to do anything to keep him feeling safe and secure. They spent a lot of time talking about Dan's feelings, and Phil continued to read about ways to help him cope with stressful situations.

They were headed to London for a convention. Phil had been asked to speak on a panel with four other advocates on social issues. It was an incredible opportunity, his first, and Dan wanted to be with him. They had not spent a night apart, and neither were willing to separate for three in a row.

Even boarding the train was difficult for Dan, though he couldn't recall how he came to be on the train that day. He had not voluntarily boarded, had he?

It was particularly difficult having heightened senses. Every sound and smell took Dan back to that place. He insisted that he was okay, gripping Phil's hand tightly. Phil suspected that he was not, and he pulled Dan into a tight embrace right in the middle of the aisle.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin