Heroes Are Not Born; They Are Made

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Phil didn't see himself as a hero,  or an angel, or a saint, or any of the other things that they called him. He was a man who did what anyone else would have done under the same circumstances, wasn't he?  The last eight years had been an uphill battle, and there was still more to come. Still, Phil took little credit for the uprising. Dan believed that he was being modest, that he absolutely deserved the accolades. But again, Phil was always a humble man. Activism and the results thereof didn't change that about him.

Six months after rescuing Dan, Phil felt as though he had finally done enough research to be able to speak articulately about the mistreatment and discrimination of Nekos. He had since quit his job at the Manchester Piccadilly Station to pursue his vlogging and filmmaking career full time. His audience was incredibly supportive and receptive. Phil decided to use his platform to begin his campaign.

It wasn't a secret that Phil lived with Dan, nor was it a surprise that Dan was Neko. Although he preferred to stay out of the spotlight, Dan did occasionally appear in Phil's video projects. Phil was proud of his best friend and lover. While he wanted to share him with the world, he also wanted to protect their privacy. There was a fine line, and both of them were committed to staying on the right side of it.

Dan was not currently working or studying, as Phil strongly encouraged him to take some time for himself. He had promised to support Dan in every way so long as he wished. Phil trusted that Dan would discover his personal path and find his way in time. He had a lot to reconcile, having spent three years a slave. So Dan did a lot of reading and writing. He got enough sleep, learned to cook, and helped Phil take care of their home. It may have appeared to others that Dan was dependent on Phil, though it was quite the opposite. Dan was completely and blissfully free for the first time in his life.

No one thought to teach Dan how to care for himself. The Cornwall Home for Neko Boys did little more than feed, clothe, and shelter the boys. There was no proper schooling of any kind. While Nekos were free to follow their instincts as young boys, they were expected to suppress them in adolescence.

Dan was only twelve years old when the headmistress started to scold him for his cat-like posture. "You had better sit up straight boy." She tutted, "A master will take care of that with a crack of the whip. Don't say that I didn't warn you." It had been a very confusing time for Dan.

From the ages of twelve to sixteen, Nekos were taught only how to serve their future masters. They were to obey, to be quiet, and to be available at all times. "Life will be easier for you if you learn this now," the headmistress would warn. Dan felt queasy whenever he thought about the expectations. He didn't feel, in any part of his being, that he was supposed to belong to anyone but himself. And if he did want to belong to someone, shouldn't it be his choice?

Phil noticed that Dan enjoyed learning to take care of himself, and Phil was really proud of him. His heart would swell each time Dan tried something new. Phil wasn't pushing Dan; he was fully capable of all of these things. Phil was like an awakening. Dan was self motivated as a young child, and taught him self to read through sheer determination. He also taught himself to play the piano at age ten. Dan would sit at the old upright piano in the common area for hours at a time, fingering out songs that played only in his head. It brought him great joy, and most of the other boys would sit around and listen to Dan play. Even the headmistress would linger in the common hall on those days.

He told Phil the story of the piano one day when they were taking a walk in the park after coming upon a young girl playing a violin in the garden.

"I don't even know if I would remember how." Dan said sadly after Phil offered to find a place for him to play. Dan looked at his hands. He flipped them over, palms up, and Phil traced them.

"I bet you would Dan." Phil smiled. "How I would love to hear you try."

Dan smiled. Of course he would. Phil would listen to him poke at the keys and fumble around until his fingers remembered what his heart had not forgotten. He was so in love with this man.

"We'll see." Dan said with an adorable grin. So many things had already come back to him. Phil was showing him exactly what it meant to feel alive. Dan took Phil's arm and looked up at the sky knowing that he would play again one day.

Phil was always encouraging Dan to try new things. More often than not, Dan would take the risk and something would stir inside of him. Phil was always there to witness the moment as it unfolded. In turn, Phil was incredibly inspired by Dan; and this is precisely how Phil found himself behind the camera talking about Nekos.

"I have posted links in the description box below," Phil announced. "Please take the time to watch them and share. I always read your comments, so tell me, do you have any stories to share? What are your thoughts?"

Dan could hear Phil recording the end of his new video outside the bedroom. So he walked to the lounge, not wanting to disturb him. A few minutes later, Phil popped in.

"Hello Sweetheart." Phil rubbed Dan's ears and leaned down to place a kiss on his cheek. "Are you hungry?"

"I am, actually. I thought about making us some fettuccine. I have always wanted to try it." Dan curled up and leaned into Phil, who had taken a seat beside him. Dan blushed at the kiss and returned two.

"You like cooking don't you?" Phil giggled. "You are really good at it Dan."

"Thank you. I love it. I feel like I am doing something for you, like I am taking care of you." Dan smiled shyly.

"You do take care of me Dan...more than you know." Phil nestled his head between Dan's neck and shoulder. "And I absolutely love you." He inhaled deeply, breathing in Dan's scent.

"Do I?" Dan asked more of himself than of Phil.

"Baby, of course you do. You motivate me and inspire me. Do you know what I just did?" Dan's ears perked up with interest.

"You made a video?" Dan giggled.

"Yes, I made a video. I made a very important video." Phil pulled Dan into his lap. "I am asking my viewers to think about the treatment of Nekos. I am challenging them to watch videos and to learn what they can. I want to start a campaign." Phil realized that he was maybe a little nervous about what Dan would think.

"Really? That's what you were doing in there?" Dan's eyes widened, and Phil could see that he was blinking rapidly, probably to keep tears from falling.

"Yes, what do you think? Dan, If you don't feel comfortable with it, I don't have to -"

Dan kissed him.

The kiss was long and sweet, and full of something like adoration and appreciation. Phil tasted salt between their lips. Dan let the tears fall after all. Slowly, Dan pulled away, his cheeks streaked with wetness.

"You did what? You...you are doing what?" Dan couldn't believe this man.

"I am speaking out Dan. It needs to stop." Phil used his sleeve to dry Dan's eyes. "I'm serious."

"I can see that." Dan smiled. "Phil, I am so lucky to have you in my life." He put his hands on Phil's face and shook his head.

Dan couldn't decide what he loved most about Phil. It was a relief when he realized that he didn't have to decide at all. All he had to do was love him, and he would, for the rest of his life.

Phil knew that the road would be long, and difficult, and it could possibly cost him his fledgling career. But he was passionate and committed, and nothing was going to stop him from changing the world for Dan, and for the others.

Phil slipped his hands inside of Dan's and knew with his whole heart that everything that he would do from this day forward would be for him. He kissed the Neko boy and carried him into the kitchen so that they could make dinner, together.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now