Inside These Walls

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The place hadn't changed much from where Dan stood. The main hall, made of gray cobblestone, stood tall and windowless against the bleak horizon. The great oak tree that Dan used to climb as a boy was completely bare; oak leaves drifted around its base. The many outbuildings remained, all in need of repair.

Phil found it hard to believe that Dan grew up here. There was no indication that children lived here; there was no color and no laughter.

"Oh Dan." Phil couldn't manage anything else. He held his husband tightly at the waist, squeezing the puffy material of his coat.

"I know." Dan felt badly because he could sense that Phil almost felt guilty for growing up in a loving home with nurturing parents. He was constantly exposing Dan to the things that he missed out on growing up. He realized that there was no way to recreate a childhood so he settled for giving Dan the best possible future instead.

"Are you ready to go inside Phil?" Dan bit his lip, which would soon become chapped if wasn't careful. The land was open and there were few trees left to block the wind.

Phil nodded, driving his hands deep into his pockets. He exhaled and followed his brave husband toward the door.

* * *

"We are down to fourteen boys now." The new headmistress explained. Dan and Phil walked along side of her as she explained the current situation. "I know who you are Mr. Lester. I have been following your work for some time." Phil was surprised when she smiled warmly, revealing a single dimple. "I really appreciate what you do."

Dan squeezed Phil's hand and looked at him. It was nice to know that his reach extended this far south.

"And Dan, or do you prefer Daniel?" The headmistress turned to Dan, who was looking at the old piano with disbelief.

"Dan is fine. Thank you." Phil followed Dan's eyes. "The piano...Phil, that's it." He pointed to the upright instrument, which was warped now. The once-ivory keys appeared tea stained, and one end of the base was being supported by a thin, tattered, children's book.

The headmistress nodded fondly.
"Yes, would you believe that she still plays beautifully?" Dan walked over to the piano slowly, his fingers wiggling at his sides. "Do you play?"

Dan was quiet. He stood over the thing and held his bottom lip back with his teeth. It was like being reunited with an old friend.

"He does, yes." Phil answered.

"May I sit?" Dan asked without turning around. His voice was soft and child-like.

"Of course." The headmistress seemed a bit confused by Dan's behavior. The Neko was distant perhaps? She couldn't place it, and then she could; he was feeling sentimental. Of course.

Dan sat on the dusty bench and looked down at the familiar keys. He could hear Phil's voice in the background, but not his words.

"Dan grew up here. He learned to play as a boy...on that very piano actually." Phil spoke softly so as not to interrupt Dan's thoughts. "He taught himself. It brought him joy as a child." Phil was speaking to the woman, but he was watching his husband.

Dan looked so tall in front of the sagging piano. Phil tried to imagine young Dan in the same place, looking all around to see if he was alone so that he could play. He imagined the tiny Neko boy crawling up on that bench with excitement in his heart. Phil smiled fondly now at his beautiful husband. Dan's fingers hovered over the keys as if he were playing.

"Go ahead then." The headmistress's voice echoed throughout the empty hall. She smiled at Phil, who was still looking on with wetness in his eyes.

Dan's shoulders relaxed, and his fingers brushed the brittle keys. Phil hoped that he would play.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now