Prove It

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"Tuxedos or suits?" Phil asked as he slid the spatula under the edge of the pancake.

"Suits." Dan looked at him thoughtfully. "Although I would love to see you in a tuxedo."

Phil smiled. "Maybe we should try on both and then decide? You would look amazing in tuxedo Dan. Have you ever worn one before?"

"No." In fact, he could only think of three occasions on which he wore an actual suit. "I guess I haven't. Do you think they make them with tail modifications?"

Phil sighed. The thought of seeing Dan in a tuxedo with his gorgeous tail hanging out the back, bowtie at his neck, made him swoon.

"Certainly they must? If you wanted to wear one, we would have one made Sweetheart." Phil flipped a perfect pancake on to Dan's plate, and winked as he handed it over.

Dan blushed. The truth was that he would marry Phil wearing a t-shirt and shorts standing in their lounge. Neither of them cared much for extravagance, but a wedding that would happen only once may be the exception. They both deserved to feel beautiful.

"Flowers?" Dan looked up at Phil, who was drizzling maple syrup over his own stack of pancakes.

"Hmmm. I feel like roses are a bit cliche, but I really like them. I rather like Orchids...white or purple, they are stunning. But I feel like there is something that I'm forgetting." Phil narrowed his eyes in concentration.

Dan did have something special in mind, and he was curious if Phil would mention it on his own. He knew that Phil would get it, surely it was just a matter of time?

"Oh! Dan! Cherry Blossoms?" Phil's eyes widened with excitement. Dan smiled.

"Cherry Blossoms." Dan repeated satisfactorily. "I love it Phil."

They were both quiet, picturing boughs of Cherry Blossom branches surrounding the altar. Just then, everything came into perfect focus. Dan's ears stood up and his tail started to swing.

"Phil, I am seeing white candles and those Japanese paper lanterns, and...a tea ceremony!" Dan was absolutely beaming. His hands gestured wildly, and his eyes sparkled. Phil lay down his fork and knife, stood, and walked over to kiss Dan. He tasted like maple syrup and cinnamon.

Dan started to giggle halfway through the kiss. "What was that for?" He blinked rapidly, his brown eyes soft and doe-like.

"You have to ask?" Phil giggled. "I'm completely in love with you, and I can see the whole wedding just as you described it." Phil kissed him again, a little longer this time. "And it is absolutely perfect."

Dan pushed away his plate and pulled Phil into his lap. "I can't wait to marry you Phil." He squeezed Phil's hips and dropped his left hand to pick up his tail. He brushed the very tip against Phil's cheek, making him giggle.

"Pretty Baby." Phil's voice was more sensual now. "I ought to take you to the bedroom and kiss every square inch of your beautiful body."

They both laughed. They had made love not even an hour ago.

"My heat is over Daddy." Dan said playfully. "Maybe in an hour?"

Phil winked at him and got up to clear the breakfast dishes.

The wedding was less than a year away - ten months to be exact. It seemed that the closer it got, the more anxious they were to be married. They had agreed that the actual wedding would be beautiful and special, but that it was the marriage itself that they wanted so desperately. Eight years of loving one another - they had an unofficial commitment from the very beginning, and they lived by it. To be able to call each other husband would be incredible enough, but marriage would mean something to society, protecting their rights as a couple.

Few people actually officiated marriages between man and Neko. Phil was able to find someone despite it, due to his connections of like-minded people in the community.

Phil looked over at Dan, who was laughing at something on the television. Phil would never tire of his beauty - the way his eyes all but disappeared when he laughed out loud and the tiny crinkles that formed in the outer corners, the precious dimples that appeared, the pink blush on his cheeks. Phil felt such a fondness when Dan laughed like that. He could not stop the smile that spread across his face when he heard him.

Dan's laugh came from his belly, full and pure. Sometimes he would  even squeak. It was altogether wonderful. Phil thought about all of the years that Dan didn't laugh like this. He couldn't think about that, because all that mattered now was the present moment. And of course, there was the future.

He loved Dan beyond measure.

Nothing brought Phil more joy than knowing that Dan's future was made of moments just like these.

It wouldn't be long before Phil would be calling Dan his husband. Frankly, it gave him goosebumps. He wondered if Dan would be keeping his name or taking his.

It was tradition that he who proposed would give his name, but Phil almost felt uneasy about it. A name was a label of sorts, and Dan certainly did not need to be labeled again.

"Dan?" Phil sat down beside him on the sofa. Dan was curled up, long spine curved, knees pressed to his shoulders, his tail, beautifully splayed on the cushion. He turned to look at Phil, and his ears twitched.

"Yes Daddy?" Dan turned down the volume on the television.

"Have you given any thought to what you would like to do with your surname Sweetheart?" Phil wanted Dan to make his own decision, and he chose his words carefully so as not to sway him one way or the other.

"Yes Daddy. I want to be a Lester." Dan didn't even hesitate. He rocked forward, unrolling his shape, to meet Phil. "I want to be Daniel Lester."

Phil felt as though he could burst. Dan wanted to take his name. There was not a single moment's hesitation; Dan had already decided. Phil smiled broadly.

"I am so happy that you want that. I mean, I would have understood and supported your decision to keep your name, of course." Phil brought his hands up to his mouth in excitement.

"Are you really that surprised Phil?" Dan giggled. "I can't wait to be a Lester. I love you, and I love your family." Phil looked as though he might cry. Dan scooted closer to him and rubbed his head against Phil's chest.

"I hoped that you would, but I wasn't sure. You know that I am sensitive to a anything that could imply ownership. It had to be your decision." Phil rubbed Dan's ears. "I have to admit that this makes me really, really happy."

Dan nearly melted. He loved to see Phil so happy. Sometimes he didn't think that he could wait ten months to marry him. And before he could stop himself, he said it.

"Phil, I could marry you tomorrow." Dan said softly as he kissed his temple sweetly. Phil stiffened.

Phil laughed half-heartedly. He wasn't sure that he heard him correctly. Dan kept kissing his temple, and his jaw, now his ear....

"What was that Baby?" Phil closed his eyes and leaned into Dan's soft kisses.

"I could...I would marry you tomorrow Phil." He whispered, wrapping his arms around Phil's neck and pressing his lips to his cheek.

Phil would be lying if he said that the idea had not occurred to him.

"Prove it." Phil smiled.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now