Breakfast and Back Rubs

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Marriage looked good on them.
It was impossible to stop smiling. They were married, and it felt incredible.

It was breakfast the following morning the first time Dan got to sign his new name.

Phil made arrangements for a feast of fruit and waffles to be delivered to their suite at 10:00 am. They lay in bed, Dan breathing shallowly into Phil's bare chest. Phil yawned and rubbed his thumb over Dan's cheek to wake him.

"Mmmm, Dan's time to wake up Sweetheart. Breakfast is coming." Phil knew that would rouse him. Surely enough, Dan's sleepy ears perked up, and his tail moved. Phil giggled.

Dan purred and pushed his face into Phil. He smelled so good, and his skin was warm and soft. They had worked up quite an appetite the night before. Dan's next heat was less than 5 days away now, and just as Phil predicted, Dan required more food and more sleep in preparation.

"Daddy." Dan mumbled. He curled his pink lips and kissed Phil's chest repeatedly. "Am I dreaming, or did we really get married?" Dan still hadn't opened his eyes.

"You aren't dreaming Sweetheart." Phil smiled and pulled the covers around Dan's shoulders. "We are married. I'm your husband, and you're mine."

Phil didn't know if the word would ever stop making him feel fluttery inside. It was such a beautiful word - husband.

He could feel Dan smile against his chest, his warm breath tickling his sensitive skin. Phil hummed softly as Dan's tail wound around his thigh. He buried his face in Dan's curls, right between his precious ears, and nuzzled him.

"Waffles Love." Dan stirred. "And hot chocolate...and fruit...and -"

"And?" Dan asked hopefully. He wanted more of Phil. "Kisses?" Dan kissed his neck and sucked gently on Phil's earlobe.

Phil laughed and squirmed. Dan had a way of turning him into a complete fool. He felt dizzy and giggly, and he nearly missed the knock at the door.

"Stay here Baby. That will be breakfast." Phil stood to wrap a robe around his body and put on his glasses. His hair was ruffled, and his cheekbones were beautifully pink. Dan was glad to be laying down.

He could hear a brief but friendly exchange in the other room. Phil appeared with a a full tray, sliding it carefully onto his bedside table. Dan sat up against the headboard, bare chested and sleepy. He had the sheets pulled up to cover his lap, falling just below his navel. Phil grinned and crawled across the bed just to kiss him.

"Hungry Darling?" Phil shucked his robe and crawled in beside him. Dan nodded and rubbed his eyes. Eight years, and Phil had still not accepted that Dan was this beautiful in the morning.

They ate slowly, savoring every single bite. Dan admired the Cherry Blossom arrangements around the room. Petals had been scattered on the bed and tables, he remembered, though he and Phil were too eager for one another to notice last night. The room also had a fireplace, and Phil turned it on remotely. He thought that it was incredibly romantic and made a mental note to turn it on in the evening.

"Hey Dan?" Phil smiled. "Want to sign the receipt?"

"Yes!" Dan reached for the slip of paper on the tray. He nearly toppled over in his excitement. Phil watched as he signed his name, Daniel Lester, for the first time. Even better was the way that Phil could see his wedding band as he scribbled.

Dan held it up as though Phil had not already admired it. He was smiling broadly, tongue poking out subtlety between his teeth.

"It's not the first time I have written it you know." Dan blushed and laughed. "I practiced a lot after you proposed."

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now