Cherry Blossoms and Paper Lanterns

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The food was especially good, though they were far too excited to notice.

"Look Michael, they can't even finish their food." Kate winked at her husband. Phil smiled and Dan giggled sweetly.

"Sorry Mum, I guess we are just..." Phil restlessly rocked in his chair and smiled broadly.

"Bursting at the seams?" Kate laughed.

"Absolutely." Phil reached to hold Dan's hand on top of the table. Michael raised his water glass and proposed a casual toast to the almost husbands.

"To Phil and his Dan." Michael smiled proudly. He nodded at his son before taking a drink.

Though he didn't say much, Michael never hesitated to praise his only son. Phil made him so proud. He worked hard, cared for
others, and took his responsibilities very seriously. But what his father really appreciated was the way that he loved his partner and allowed himself to be loved in return.

Michael and Kate had been an excellent model of love and partnership for Phil growing up.
They respected one another, never allowing petty inclusions to penetrate their very special bond.

There was a time, when Phil was heading to university, that Michael talked to his son about partnership. Phil had been very open and honest about his bisexuality whilst in secondary school, and his parents were incredibly supportive.

Phil had casually dated a few people as a teenager, both male and female, never feeling especially close to any of them. Michael explained that university would be a time of great opportunity.

"Son, your world is about to open up, and it may feel overwhelming. Don't forget who you are; there will be a lot of people that will try to test you - to see if you will bend to their will." Phil listened as he swiveled in his chair.

"And whether you are dealing with a friend or a romantic partner, you have a responsibility to treat that person with love and respect."

Phil nodded. He agreed, though he doubted that it would apply with regard to romantic partnership anytime soon. He blushed with slight embarrassment.

"I know that this isn't new to you Philip; we have talked about this many times." Michael paused and his eyes settled on the boxes containing Phil's bedroom. "But something that I may not have told you is that you have to treat yourself with the same love and compassion in a relationship. Don't settle for anything less than the best for yourself, yes? Treat yourself kindly son."

The words stayed with him, and Phil was not afraid to require these things of himself. He understood that there was a difference between loving someone and loving someone well. There was a difference between being loved by someone and allowing yourself to be loved. Phil had been raised to know the difference.

Friendship had always come easy to Phil. He maintained several healthy friendships with males and females alike. Romantic possibilities were less favorable for him, though he supposed that there would be plenty of time for that after university. He was, after all, only year one. Still, his father's words, and more importantly, his example, were never far from Phil's thoughts.

"Just follow us." Kate said as she stood from the table. "It's not far, just 12 minutes east, in the country."

"Right then. We will follow you." Phil nodded. He and Dan stood together, smiling with anticipation.

Kate was right, the estate wasn't far. Phil drove, and Dan sat, wide eyed, in the passenger seat. The houses were more spread out now, and blocks of flats turned into single-family homes with rolling hills between them.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now