Three Days With the Moon

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Phil woke with his face buried in Dan's chest. He inhaled his natural scent and nuzzled his skin more deeply. Dan was still sleeping, his breathing even and peaceful. Phil lightly pressed his lips to Dan's collarbone. He lingered. It was time for Dan's heat, and Phil wanted to be ready for his baby.

Phil never tired of the primal energy surrounding Dan's heat. In the beginning, it was mostly just Dan who would feel the insatiable urge to make love constantly. He would wake fully engorged and aching for relief. His temperature would rise, and he would whimper and twist in the sheets for Phil. Dan would sleep between sessions and wake with renewed strength and urgency.

Phil, who had no trouble keeping up with him, started to share Dan's physical symptoms. It was nine months into their relationship when Phil first noticed his sensitivity.

Phil had been keeping track of Dan's periods of heat since he first started. His cycle followed the lunar calendar, peaking at the full moon. Like clockwork, Dan's heat would begin a day before the full moon, peak, and begin to subside the following day. Their lovemaking did not know the bounds of heat, however. Though they made love more frequently during Dan's heat, they certainly made love without it.

Dan was a healthy Neko, and his cycle had regulated nicely. Within twelve hours of the onset of heat, his body temperature would rise one full degree, and he would become slightly lethargic. This was his body's way of storing energy for the days ahead. Dan would also consume more water during these days.

Af first, Phil believed that his own symptoms were psychosomatic. Certainly the excitement of Dan's need was enough to make him naturally ache and throb with anticipation? But Phil noticed that he felt hungrier along with Dan in the days leading up to his heat. Like Dan, he would crave protein and fluids. He was sure that it was in his head, when one day he decided to take his own temperature - 99.8 degrees. He was not ill, he was in sync with Dan. Much like a partner sympathizes with his or her pregnant female partner, (gaining weight and craving peculiar foods), Phil was sympathizing with Dan. This realization both fascinated him and turned him on.

Every month, Phil would track Dan's days and monitor his temperature. Sure enough, Phil's body would respond similarly.

"Dan?" Phil walked into the lounge one evening. "We better get to bed early tonight. Tomorrow is your first day Sweetheart."

"Okay Daddy. Are you ready for me?" Dan smiled. He cherished their days in bed together. They would make love, cuddle, sleep, and begin again, tracking time only by the position of the sun and moon.

"I am. Are you ready for me Sweetheart?" Phil smiled back. For three days, they would test their collective endurance in bed. Phil would meet Dan's needs with enthusiasm, rest, and do it all
over again. Dan's orgasms were longer and more intense, and there was no refractory period. Phil never complained, nor did he tire of his baby's cravings.

Phil proudly took care of Dan, abstaining from all other activities during heat. He would not work, attend social gatherings, or leave the house. He was devoted to Dan, in body, mind, heart, and soul.

Dan's breathing was changing, indicating that he would be awake soon. Phil returned to Dan's collarbone, pressing his lips to the soft and tender skin again and again. Phil couldn't wait to make Dan feel good.

Dan smiled and moaned before he even opened his eyes. Phil could feel Dan's soft, full tail rubbing against his thigh.


Phil wrapped his arms around Dan's hips and kissed his smooth, warm belly. Already he could feel Dan rotating in his grip, his hip bones rubbing alternately against his shoulders.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now