Memorize Me

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Dan walked right up to Phil, pressing his body against his husband's with urgency.

Phil was not at all prepared for Dan's boldness, though it excited him. Dan was kissing him, humming into his mouth, his hands seeking purchase.

Every movement was deliberate and fueled by intense heat. There was something deeper than sexual desire; there was a need to communicate.

It was as if Dan was proving that their souls would always recognize one another by vibration.

And Dan's body was saying, 'you wouldn't forget me.'

Phil submitted to his baby's ferocity. Dan had him pressed to the wall that separated the kitchen from the main living area. Dan's hands held his chest and waist in place, his lips keeping Phil's neck from falling forward. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to be taken.

It was tempting to return every kiss and every touch with matching fervor, though Phil knew that Dan was taking liberties in exerting dominance. It was not something that he did often, but when he did, Phil dare not interfere.

Dan expressed his strongest emotion through their lovemaking. There was a direct correlation between what was being discussed and what was being expressed in bed. Dan was showing him that he was certain; nothing would keep them from knowing the other.

Phil's breath was shallow and quick. He could feel Dan's warm mouth on his neck, opening and closing hotly against him. Dan's wandering hands fell on his hips,
gently but firmly holding him in place.

He could smell the sea in Dan's hair, as it brushed softly against his cheek. He worked passionately along his neck.

"Dan," he sighed, desperately trying to tip his hips forward against his husband.

"I've got you Philly." Dan breathed into his shoulder.
"Let me love you? Hmm?" He moved closer yet, nuzzling and nibbling the sensitive skin of Phil's earlobe.

Phil's eyes rolled back and closed completely. He absolutely loved it when Dan was like this; his message was perfectly clear.

"I may not know always know your face, but I will always know what's behind your eyes Daddy."
Dan kissed him passionately. "And I will always know your taste." Phil could feel him trembling. Phil nodded into Dan's chest and moaned.

"The day we knew me didn't you?"
Dan kissed down Phil's now-bare chest, stopping just above his navel. "You couldn't place me,
but I was familiar, yes?" Dan didn't wait for an answer. He continued to tug and work at Phil's clothing. His hands moved slowly but firmly. Phil shivered. "You recognized my soul through my eyes...from before." Dan spoke evenly and sensually.

"I must've Dan...oh God." Phil felt weak with submission. It was not traditional submission by most standards, but Dan was definitely in control and asking Phil to listen. "Yes."

Dan hummed in response, taking the tender flesh of Phil's abdomen into his mouth. "See Daddy?" Dan smiled and returned to that sacred patch of skin. He kissed him, loving the mound with his tongue.

Phil felt dizzy. He started to slide down the wall, but Dan caught him. Dan pinned him in place, pushing one of his narrow thighs between Phil's. This wasn't going to work for long, not with what Dan had in mind.

Dan slid his hungry body up along Phil's and held the material of his husband's shirt inside his fists. He turned them around so that the table behind Phil could support their weight.

Dan nodded as Phil looked at him quizzically. Phil swallowed thickly and rolled his eyes, not out of frustration, but of pure excitement. He lay back, allowing Dan to climb on top of him.

As he hovered above Phil, Dan scooped his hips down to thrust into him. His back arched, and Phil pressed his hands into the lovely dip above his bottom. He pulled Dan toward him, looking up at him with intensity.

Dan was so beautiful above him. Of course he would know Dan in another lifetime. He would know him in an instant, his body, whatever its form, would react with tingles. They were like magnets. "

That thing we feel? It's cosmic Phil."

Phil gasped. Dan's kisses were unselfish, tender, and widespread. He wanted to cover Phil with his little markings so that he could still feel the vibrations of his lips long after they had moved to ravish another area of his body.

"Phil." Dan repeated his name lazily as he kissed him. It was getting harder and and harder for Phil to stay still. He wanted to return the kisses and make Dan feel as loved as he did.

There was no way to know how much time they would have together, though they were determined to make every single moment special. There would be no wondering, no wanting, or waiting.

They would never pass on an opportunity to be close to one another. There would never be a night spent alone. Never would one hand swing empty next to the other.

Dan was moving his hips into Phil's now, wetness seeping though the fabric of his trousers. Their heat rubbed together, and Phil thought that they may catch fire.
He slipped his hands between their bodies.

Dan lifted his rear when Phil tugged on him, though he never stopped rolling his tongue over the center of his chest. He lapped and kissed, inching downward ever so slowly.

Phil buried his fingers in Dan's curls, rubbing the backs of his furry little ears, causing Dan
to purr against his thighs.

Dan slipped off Phil's underwear, running his hot mouth all over the skin of his beautiful cock. Phil squeezed his thigh muscles up into Dan's chest at the feeling.

All at once, Phil felt Dan's mouth around him, pulling and suckling enthusiastically. He groaned, gripping the edge of the table. Dan rubbed himself against Phil's legs, and his quivering tail stood up behind him.

" baby." Phil rolled his head around on the table, thoroughly enjoying Dan's affections. He wanted to hold his husband in his hands and never let him go. He could almost taste Dan, and the need to have him on his lips caused him to cry out. "Dan!"

As if he did not hear Phil calling out for him, Dan picked up his pace, sliding up and down on Phil's tight skin. He moaned and whimpered around him, taking him as deeply as possible.

And suddenly, Phil couldn't speak; Dan had taken him too high. There was no way to come back from this place. The only way out was through. Dan kept on, making Phil dizzy with his devotion.

Phil knew that Dan enjoyed giving him pleasure this way. He once said that it was his favorite way to love him. Feeling Dan's hardness grinding against his leg was certainly an indication that this was still true.

Phil also knew that Dan liked his taste. He didn't require a warning, in fact, he really enjoyed the surprise of it. One minute he was taking his lover, leaving no flesh untouched, and the next, he felt Phil's essence running down his throat.

Dan came from pleasuring his husband, grinding down on him to soothe the ache. Phil felt his warm liquid spill over his leg. It made him shiver to think that Dan could do this.

It was true. He would know Dan's vibration anywhere. Phil decided then that he could trust himself and that they truly would follow each other from lifetime to lifetime.

Once again, Dan calmed his fears about the future by showing him the present. Phil smiled to himself, as he lay with his husband's head in his lap.

If Dan had not come on his own, Phil would have devoured him in the exact same way. No matter, Phil was a patient man, and he had lifetimes to show his baby how much he loved him.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now