Cookies for Mrs. Lester

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Being engaged to the man who saved his life, in every possible way, made Dan feel as though he had achieved nirvana.

Dan and Phil had chosen one another. There was no contract, there were no rules, but for the ones that they imposed on themselves, as a couple: to be ever present and faithful, to be open and honest, to be compassionate and supportive - all of this was well established. This was their promise to one another. There were no limitations on creativity or individuality. There were no assignments. This was a true partnership.

"Dan? Sweetheart? Are you almost ready to go?" Phil said into the mirror as he fingered his hair and pat his freshly-shaven cheeks. He and Dan were taking the train to visit his family up north. It was an exciting day; they were going to share the news of their engagement.

Phil could not wait to tell his parents that he was going to make Dan his husband. He knew that they would be thrilled. They loved Dan from the very beginning. It was Kate who insisted that Dan call her "mum." Having never had a mum of his own, Dan was truly touched. It seemed that the entire Lester family shared the same loving, compassionate, and thoughtful qualities.

Phil walked into the bedroom and found Dan brushing his tail on the bed. Phil smiled; there would never be a moment in which he would not appreciate Dan's beauty.

"Almost ready Philly." Dan pat the bed next to him, asking Phil to join him.

"You look very pretty Sweetheart." Phil kissed Dan on the forehead and sat down beside him. Dan winked.

"Thank you. You are looking handsome today too Daddy." Dan loved it when Phil wore his navy blue jumper. He thought it complimented the color of his eyes quite nicely. Eight years, and it still drove Phil wild when Dan called him "Daddy."

"Can I help you with your collar Darling?" Phil put it on for Dan every day, but he still liked to ask.

"Yes please." Dan sat up straight and lengthened his neck. Phil stood behind him and brought the collar around the front, hands working in the back. He secured the clasp and kissed the sensitive skin above it. Dan shivered. Phil did this everyday. Dan was expecting the soft touch of Phil's lips, and it still made him shiver.

Dan did not tolerate trains well, given his history. Seldom did they take the train, though it was the most convenient way to reach Greater Manchester from London. Phil would be riding next to him, and Dan knew that he could depend on the comfort of Phil's loving arms.

Phil insisted that Dan take the window seat. He believed that the beautiful green hills and colorful treetops would soothe him. Dan was a keen observer, and there really was no other option in Phil's mind.

The car was quiet and peaceful. Dan listened to music and pressed his forehead to the glass. England was incredibly beautiful in the fall. Dan thought about warm spiced cider and cinnamon sticks, about evenings spent by the fire watching romantic films, and about cuddles under warm blankets. He hardly thought about life before Phil. In fact, he really had to work at conjuring up memories of Cornwall these days.

Being on the train, however, reminded Dan of that day in October - the sound of the metal wheels on the tracks below him, the blur of the landscape beside him, the gentle whir of the fan in the cabin.

Suddenly Dan felt as if he were there, curled up on a seat, pressed against the side of the car, disoriented and frightened. He could still feel the blinding pain in his back, the sting of the bites, and the throb in his head.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now