The Best Gifts Come After Christmas

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Leaving Kate and Michael was never easy. Christmas had been especially wonderful this year. Still, they were ready to return home to London.

They listened to an audio book on the train ride home. It was Dan's turn to pick, and he decided to go for something with a holiday theme. He settled on Gregory Maguire's new novel, Hiddensee, the untold story of the infamous Nutcracker and his mistress, young Clara Silberhaus.

Phil tried paying attention, but his mind kept wandering to the young mum with whom they would share a meeting. Was she nervous? Had she changed her mind about meeting them? Did she know who they were? And if she did, would it impact her decision?

Phil knew that Dan was thinking about the very same things. He had always been better at distracting himself than Phil. He turned his head to look at Dan, who was nodding with the dialogue in the book, drumming his fingers on his own thigh. He was looking out the window, admiring a flock of birds. He watched as they rose collectively and glided across the sky with unfathomable precision and grace.

It made Phil smile to see Dan so happy and relaxed. He would takes his cues from his husband and leave what was to be to be.

                       * * *

On the day of the meeting, Dan decided that they should take the girl a small bouquet of flowers.

"I want her to know, no matter what she decides, that we appreciate her willingness to meet us. This has to be, by far, the hardest thing that she has ever had to do."  Dan moved the lint roller across Phil's shoulders and vertically along his back. They had no pets, though Dan's fur sometimes gave others the impression that they did.

"That is incredibly thoughtful Sweetheart." Phil smiled in the mirror. "I love that idea. We are doing really well on time too. If we leave in the next fifteen minutes, we can stop at the shop, yeah?"

Dan crouched down beside beside Phil to roll over his trousers. He looked exceptionally handsome in his black pants and light gray jumper. The color made his blue eyes look almost gray. Dan also went with black trousers, though he opted for a cream-colored jumper with a cowl neck.

Surprisingly, they were not at all nervous. Besides being nervous for the girl, they were completely relaxed. Dan felt that it was a positive sign.

They chose carnations, a colorful mix of yellow, pinks, and creams. Dan decided that they looked like "what happy feels like," and Phil agreed. He had them wrapped in gold paper.

The agency was located in South Bend, just north of Burrough. They arrived ten minutes early, despite their trip to the flower shop. Phil held Dan's hand as they waited. Another couple sat across the room, talking quietly, with their heads pressed together. Phil thought he heard one of the women reciting a prayer.

Rosalie introduced herself and invited Dan and Phil back to her office. Caroline, they were told, was running late because her midwife had been double booked.

She was visiting the midwife every week now. Today, Rosalie explained, marked her 37th week of pregnancy.

"Caroline is sixteen years old. She does not have the support of her family, and the baby's father has  not been named. She is seeking an open adoption." Rosalie spoke evenly and calmly. She seemed fit for her line of work.

"How does this meeting work exactly?" Phil wrapped his arm around Dan's shoulders.

"She has already read your bio, so she is familiar with who you are and what you would be able to provide. This is about how well you fit together, how you communicate. Caroline may have additional questions for you, and you may ask her questions as well. I will stay to facilitate, and I act in the best interest of all involved."

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now