To Be Loved By A Lester

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Dan woke up first. His eyes fluttered open to reveal Phil, flat on his back, his lips slightly parted. Dan smiled. It was rare that he be awake before his husband.

Dan lay on his belly. He pushed himself up to his elbows, taking great care not to disturb Phil - not yet.

Phil often woke Dan with a kiss (or even more during his heat). Dan, who required more sleep, did not often have the same opportunity.

It was strange to wake up in Phil's childhood bedroom. Kate and Michael were early risers and probably already downstairs
sipping their tea and watching the morning news. Dan bit his lip and pulled the covers over his head. Phil's t-shirt had scrunched up against his chest in the night, revealing a gorgeous stripe of his smooth abdomen. Dan hugged his hips and kissed his bare skin.

Phil was a light sleeper, and he immediately felt Dan's lips around his navel. He groaned softly and twisted his hips. "Dan."

Dan could tell that he was aroused by his surprise. Phil's skin was so soft and warm. Dan could feel his fingers fumbling around under the covers for him.

Dan lay his cheek on Phil's abdomen and sighed. He could stay here all day and take care of his daddy. He smelled good, just like he did at home. For a moment, Dan nearly forgot that they were someplace else. He decided that it was probably not a good time to take Phil in his mouth.

Phil pulled the covers away, suddenly awake and concerned that Dan would suffocate. "Baby."

Dan looked up at him with his eyes round and full. "Morning Daddy." Phil thought that Dan's smile might keep his legs from working. He looked so beautiful, his curls across his hip, his full, pink lips turned up at one corner.

Phil reached down to cup his face. "Good morning Sweetheart. What are you doing down there, hmm?"

Dan nuzzled his hipbone and purred against him. Phil nearly jerked at the sensation, but was able to keep himself from bouncing his husband right out of his lap.

"I just wanted to love you Daddy, but I remembered that we aren't home and thought better of it." He pouted and then giggled.

"Mmmm Dan. That sounds amazing." Phil stretched his legs and tightened his muscles at the thought. "But you're right; we can't stay quiet. I know my limits." Phil grinned and fingered Dan's ringlets. Their lovemaking was anything but quiet, especially during heat. 

"Remember the time we were certain that your parents heard us?" Dan blushed. "I couldn't make eye contact for the rest of their visit!" He laughed, his cheekbone pressing against the soft flesh of Phil's belly.

Phil remembered. His parents had come to London for the weekend shortly after they settled in to their new flat. They didn't realize how thin the walls actually were until they heard Kate and Michael speaking in the next room. By then it was too late; they had already finished making love. They had not planned on it, of course, but Dan found that spending the entire day with limited displays of affection made him crave the closeness that only the intimacy of lovemaking could bring.

It had been a particularly heated session, and although they were cognizant of their company, it was impossible to be completely silent. There had been soft moaning, faint whimpering, and the occasional shift of the mattress against the headboard.

"Of course I remember." Phil laughed. "I will never forget your face when you realized that we could hear my parents talking in the next room." They had been more or less convinced that Kate and Michael heard them, and Dan was especially embarrassed about the probability. Phil thought that Dan's blush and wide-eyed stare were precious. He reassured Dan that even if they had heard them making love, they would have moved to the lounge to give them privacy. Dan was still mortified and was thankful that at least there would be a full night's sleep between them. As suspected, Kate was able to persuade her husband into watching another episode of "Fraiser," and their privacy had been observed. Kate never said a thing, though she did mention to Phil that the walls could use some proper insulation; winter weather was, after all, just around the corner.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now