"This Won't Hurt At All Sweetheart"

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Dan's wounds were healing nicely. It had been nearly three weeks since the attack. Phil had attended to him diligently, and Dan cooperated from the very beginning despite the pain. Phil made him want to survive this.

Now, all that remained were the slowly-fading bite marks on Dan's tail. The wounds were deeper than he initially thought; three distinct bites had severely damaged the lower portion of his tail. Once full and lustrous, Dan's tail was now patchy, dull, and limp. He had been losing fur at an alarming rate in the days immediately following the train station attack. Phil did some research and learned that he would have to shave Dan's tail to properly treat the damaged skin. Phil was determined to save this part of Dan, for it made him so uniquely Neko. He was hopelessly in love with this beautiful, not-quite human, not-exactly cat, boy. He daydreamed about touching Dan's adorable ears and burying his face in the chestnut hair between them.

Dan was more accepting of the cuts and abrasions to the more "human" parts of his body, though the damage to his tail troubled him deeply. The Neko instinct to fiercely protect himself was very much intact. To have a wounded tail was to have wounded pride; Phil sensed this immediately and went to great lengths to find a solution.

"Dan, I think we should try some essential oils." Phil mused one afternoon. Dan had been living with him for nearly a month, and the fur on Dan's tail had still not grown back. He was embarrassed and beginning to feel defeated.

"Lavender oil can be very soothing. It may be just what your skin needs to start new hair, er, fur growth."

"You know, my tail was very beautiful once." Dan had a faraway look. "You should have seen it. I was very proud if it...but look at it now - it's damaged, balding, and pathetic. I don't even feel like a Neko anymore."

"It will be beautiful again Dan. I promise. Your body has been through a lot, and you need to be patient with it." Phil spoke so soothingly, and Dan visibly relaxed. His face lifted, and his ears perked up. "Would you let me try the Lavender oil on you Kitten?" It is gentle and natural, and —"

Dan hushed Phil with a kiss. It was of love, appreciation, and something else.

This man was incredible. Suddenly Dan could not get close enough. This sweet, thoughtful, loving man, who spent his time researching healing remedies, was an absolute angel. Phil believed that he could heal Dan's wounds - all of them, in fact, and Dan started to believe it too.

The tiny amber-colored bottle arrived two days later. Phil ordered a pharmaceutical-grade oil from a company that he had researched carefully. Dan's pride was on the line, and more importantly, his hope.

"Dan?" Phil woke the sleeping Neko with a gentle cheek rub. "Baby, it is time to change your dressing and try the oil. It has arrived!"

Phil believed with all his heart that it would work. He couldn't wait to see Dan feeling comfortable and confident at last. Dan had been somewhat skeptical at first, but Phil's enthusiasm had rubbed off on him - just as Phil hoped it might.

Dan sat on the bathroom counter, soaking his tail in the sink. Phil pat it dry and used Hydrogen Peroxide to prep the damaged areas. He carefully worked a comb through the damp fur and kissed Dan's right temple.

"This won't hurt at all Sweetheart." Phil poured a thimble's worth of almond oil into his palm and added exactly ten drops of lavender oil. He pressed his palms together, warming the oil. Dan looked on with hopeful eyes.

"I know you are still pretty tender Kitten. I will be as gentle as I can be." Phil rubbed the oil into the furless areas of Dan's tail and smiled. "You are doing great Baby. You are so good for me."

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora