Chapter Twenty Four

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I've never slept in the same bed with a girl without having sex. (Y/n) was my first.

Surprisingly, it felt so much more satisfying laying next to her having done nothing than with all my other nights with all the other girls who's names I didn't even know. She was different for me. Something special.

A part of me was tempted to jump out the window at this moment and hunt for the men who had done this to her. But then, I would feel her warmth in my grasp, and know that I didn't want to risk waking her. Not with the day she just had.

I could tell she fell asleep immediately because her breathing slowed and she hardly moved at all. It was inevitable that I fell asleep as well.


I dashed into the air, hurling shurikens at the target dummies in my backyard. The first and second one landed right where they were supposed to be, but the third missed slightly.

I huffed in disappointment.

Wiping the sweat off my brow, I got into position to start again, whipping out yet another set of shurikens.

The entire clan was hoping that I would be more skilled with the sword over anything else, since we were universally known for our swordsmanship and bow skills. 

I, however, didn't turn out the way they had wanted me to. I showed aptitude for things like throwing knives and shurikens, (though I was better with shurikens) so that was what I decided to pursue as my specialty with swordsmanship as a close second.

I never missed my targets. But this time I was... distracted.

I guess I'd been wondering how (Y/n) had been able to take out the Los Muertos ripoffs. I knew she took ballet and gymnastics, but she never mentioned anything about knowing how to fight.

Was that all it took? Ballet and gymnastics? Because, if so... she was definitely skilled. To maintain a calm composure and take out the men is something a master would find difficult.

I threw the shurikens again, each one hitting the dummies square in the chest. That was more like it.

"Training this early?" a familiar voice called out from the doorway.

Shocked, I turned to see (Y/n) giving me a small smile, her hand resting on a nearby pillar. She seemed to be leaning more on her uninjured leg.

Her hair was a little bit of a mess, and her face had no makeup seeing as it was like seven in the morning. But she was still making my heart race a mile a minute.

She clutched her cup of what smelled like coffee. She knew where everything was in my kitchen anyway, so she'd probably already eaten breakfast. 

I put down the next set of shurikens I was planning on throwing. "How are you feeling?"

"Good morning to you too, by the way. And my leg doesn't hurt as much. I feel better."

"You should be resting, you know..."

She rolled her eyes. "I think I'm fine."

"Does your mom know where you are?"

"I told her I'm at Maya's. You know what I'm worried about though? What Mary's gonna do to me. I won't be in practice for a while because of this damn injury, and she's going to kill me for that."

I only gave her a sympathetic half-smile. "I'm sure she'll understand once she finds out how you got it."

"Yeah, right..."

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