Chapter Forty One

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I'm sorry y'all, I haven't updated in... idk like three months?

I wish I had a better excuse but I'm just realllllly lazzzzyyyy so I haven't been on Wattpad for the longest time. But I miss you guys and writing so much, so hopefully, I can update more frequently. (No promises though.)

You guys have honestly been really supportive and I teared up like crazy when I checked on the story to see that so many people have such positive comments. Thank you so much for always being so nice.

Anyway, enough about my hella long absence... onto the story.

If you need a quick recap of events since it's been so long, here it is: (If you don't need it, feel free to skip over :D)

(Y/N) and Genji moved in together after high school, and were both in college. (Y/n) was accepted into a government strategy program since she's one of the smartest people in Japan. Maya left a note after graduation stating that she was running away with Erick, and hasn't been in touch since.

It's revealed through an unknown point of view that (Y/n) is being constantly monitored by Talon, and there's someone on the inside keeping tabs on her with the code name "Peps".

She befriends a guy called Pepper, a student in Genji's class, who later tells her that he feels as though she may be pregnant.

After conducting a test, (Y/n) confirms that she's pregnant and both her and Genji are excited about it. However, their joy comes to a quick end as one of the biggest military headquarters in Japan called the Akira is attacked by Talon.

(Y/n) comes to the conclusion that there's a Talon member infiltrating the government as the attack happened on the one day the Akira was defenseless. Before she can try to figure out a plan to find out who it is, Hanzo attacks Genji in anger.

Turns out Genji's father was in the Akira building, and Hanzo blamed him for their father's death. The two battle it out, in which both (Y/n) and Genji are severely injured.

Overwatch was in Japan at this time, and upon hearing the news of the battle, Angela (Mercy) finds Genji and takes him aboard their departing ship in the hopes of saving him. Hanzo takes (Y/n) to the hospital, and then disappears.


"You have to eat something, (Y/n)," my doctor insisted. He lightly tapped the tray of food he had set on my lap, then made eye contact with me with hopeful eyes. "Please eat."

"I'm not hungry."

He sighed, flipping through the chart he had on the other hand. "Do you realize that you haven't had a single decent meal since you've woken up?"

I glared at him, my hands lightly squeezing themselves out of annoyance. "I realize it. And I don't want your shitty food."

He flinched, taken aback by the harshness of my words. "(Y/n), I didn't want to have to do this, but your grief has seemed to taken a toll on your mental health... I think I have to refer you to the psychiatric ward."

"Whatever. Just get the hell out of my room."

The doctor ran a hand through his hair, gave me one last parting glance, and then stood up from the stool at the end of my bed to leave the room. 

I had been in a permanent bitchy mood since I'd woken up, and have been snapping at literally everyone, even the innocent little nurses. I wasn't in the mood to much of anything other than lay on my side and stare at the wall.

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