Wedding Planning

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As March turned to April the shortened season winds down. After going 21-0-6 we finally lost a game in regulation but it was obvious who was in charge around here. I mean getting 48 out of a possible 54 points is almost a guaranteed playoff spot at the least. And we weren't getting big heads about it, I wouldn't allow it. But we can be proud of what we accomplished, and I was. After all that shit with the lockout and not being able to play my team came out ready to go, and we went.

There was a short amount of time from the end of the regular season to the playoff since it was already pushed back to get enough games in. But I know that too much of a good thing isn't such a good thing, so the few off days we're going to be spent at home relaxing.

While the kids were finishing up school and Payton's family was off somewhere not bothering her it was finally just her and I. She was up in her room finishing up some pictures the Hawks were asking for while I waited patiently downstairs. They wanted some for the post season promos and other things from the regular season and she wanted to get it done now so we can have a few hours before the kids got out of school.

Eventually she comes down stairs and jumps on the couch next to me.

"What do you want to do today" she asks.

"I want to spend time with you" I admit.

"That sounds kind of terrible" she jokes and I roll my eyes. I pull her into my lap and start to play with her hair.

"We can start planning for the wedding" I suggest.

"What do you know about wedding planning" she asks.

"I have a lot of ideas" I claim.

"Enlighten me" she claims.

"Let's see. I was thinking a warm wedding, that way you can still wear your hair down like you like it. I think we would have a outdoor wedding because nature is great. Maybe we'll go somewhere exotic, like Hawaii. Not the beaches though, that's a little too cliche for us. I think we'll find a nice spot surrounded by nature, the natural beauty that reflects how natural and real our relationship is. There won't be a lot of people there, just close friends and family. Caroline is the flower girl and Jacob is my best man because there is none better. You'll wear whatever dress you want because no matter what you pick you're going to look amazing in it. We'll be surrounded my things that we love the most, we'll finally be able to see this life we've created and be able to celebrate it properly.

That day I'm going to be so nervous, I'll go over my vows a million times and Patrick will be giving me a hard time about it. The place is going to be surrounded by pictures of us and it'll help remind me that I have nothing to worry about. I never worry around you.

But the thought of you sends me to a special place where I find myself in times of trouble. I can close my eyes and picture you sitting in the park. The same image that used to give me nightmares is now how I find peace in any situation. I paint you with a smile, your hair natural like you just woke up. Because out of all the things we've been through it's the small things like rolling over in bed and seeing you first thing every day that makes everything so worth while

So I think our wedding won't be anything big, the reception will be crazy because your family is huge and the guys are annoying but we won't notice. That whole night is going to be a blur and I won't remember much. I'll just look back at the pictures we will cherish for the rest of our lives" I explain.

"That sounds beautiful" she claims.

"What do you want our wedding to be like" I wonder.

"I don't know. I know better than to make plans knowing that things happen the way they were meant to and I'll be upset if it's not everything I hoped it to be. If I build myself up so high the farther I will fall.

I don't think the wedding is all about the bride. It's not going to be my day and you're right, I don't want all that other shit. I might come across as outspoken and open but you know better than anyone that's not who I am. I don't want everyone dressed to the t. I want them to be comfortable, wear sandals and a tank top for all I care. I don't want that day to be about me, I want it to be about us. I want to hear you complain that the flowers aren't the right color of burgundy and I'll do my best to assure you everything is okay. I want my sister to do my hair and makeup and at the end tell me she's proud of me. I want to walk down that isle and see our friends and family looking back knowing that we are about to become one.

I want to marry you because you're my best friend, it's more than me taking your last name. I want to marry you because you are my favorite part about waking up. I love getting home from games and practices and looking through the pictures and see you smiling at me through the camera. I want to marry you because you don't just ignore my faults, you accept them and embrace them then you help me grow. I want to marry you because you don't take the rain away, you're the sunshine that shines through the clouds showing me the light in the darkness.

I want our wedding to be real, I want it to be true and authentic. Things that we value our relationship on. I know we're going to last forever, the day I think any different is the day love dies. But I never have to worry about that because you show me every day that love is very much alive and well. It's in the way you look at me, the way you talk to me, I don't need a big extravagant wedding to show me that. I need you" she claims grabbing my face. I quickly press my lips to hers pushing her over onto the couch. I hold myself up as my lips move in time with hers.

"I seriously love you so much" I whisper on her skin.

"I love you too."

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