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Save The last One: Part 2


( Your POV )


It worried me that Glenn was holding my hands. I wore finger-less gloves and my skin was cold, too cold for a normal humans. Still it seems like he's too busy to even pay attention to it. I stared at him for a little bit thinking of what was running through his head, also he's a dork. I laughed silently before closing my eyes. It was quite relaxing sitting in silence though religion is something I had never thought much about, still I saw myself as a (your religion). Even with that thought it was quite laughable, I'm already dead and I'm praying to who knows what at this point. I felt a smile sketch itself onto my face but it was quickly removed when I heart faint footsteps coming to the door. My hands pulled away from Glenn to raise my mask before facing the front door. Having pulled away so fast Glenn opened his eyes in confusion but that went away once he noticed me looking beside him. I met eyes with the brown haired girl once more but didn't dare say anything.

"Were you praying?"

Glenn sighed before looking passed me into the landscape. I looked away from her to Glenn who sent me a small smile. Something I took as a thank you even if his little prayer session was cut short. Going back to her question Glenn responded, "Why do you sneak up on people so much?"

She chuckled a bit as she went to sit down on the houses railing,on the way to sit near Glenn she bumped shoulders with me,"You're easy to sneak up on,"her eyes trailed to me,"except you." It was silent for a bit before she finally said her name, "My name is Maggie by the way."

This just reminds me of years of schooling all over again, my eyes met Maggie's for a bit. She's challenging me but how to respond? I removed all thoughts of her and stepped close to Glenn. He looked up with his stressed face again, "I'm gonna go check on TDogg, I'll see you in a bit."

He gave me a small smile along with a wave of his hand. I had already stepped my left foot out to walk away but I quickly backtracked to place my right hand on his cheek. This instantly grabbed his attention causing him to look up at me confused. Without allowing him time to question as with Maggie behind me unable to see my face I lowered my face mask and kissed his cheek, "Don't worry too much Glenn."

With that I stood straight and walked to the front door my face mask back up. I only saw two last things before leaving though: Glenn's blushing face and Maggie's "subtle" glare.

( Rick POV )

Me and Lori were sat in the room holding hands,she was on the floor holding an expression that only pained me more,if possible,than the thought of losing Carl,"Before it happened...before what Maggie told you..."I felt the words slip out of my lips,"We were standing there in the woods. And this deer just-just crossed right in front of us." I felt the corner of my lips raise as I remembered Carl smiling so brightly. "I swear it just planted itself right there in front of him. And it just looked Carl right in the eye,"Lori moved her head to look up at me and both of our bloodshot eyes met, "and I looked at Carl looking at the deer, and that deer looking straight back at Carl....And that moment just-"

I raised my head in an attempt to pull back the tears that were brimming my eyes,I sighed as I tried to recollect my words in hopes of finishing my explanation but it only caused the single memory of Carl falling to the ground to appear over and over and over again."That moment just..slipped away..."

She continued in silence, "It slipped away. That's what he was talking about when he woke up....heh...not about getting shot or what happened at the church. He talked about something beautiful, something living. Theirs still a life for us,a place..maybe...like this."

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