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  Walk With Me


A/N : Late again, sorry. I'll try to update again tomorrow since this is short


( Andrea POV )

The way they operated reminded me of armed forces, but they all looked so normal. Something that Y/N, who was in the military rarely appeared to be. I turned to face the man I assumed was in charge as Merle rushed up a couple steps, taking over watch for someone. "Are you ..military?"

He looked at me for a second before placing his hands into his pockets and starring at those on watch at what I assumed was the front gate,"Hardly, couple of vets, but by and large we're just self trained."

Although I didn't turn around I could tell Michonne was starring at everything and everyone without an ounce of trust, she stood away from us, silent. But I could sense her there. Clearing my throat I motioned to the weapons they carried," That's some heavy artillery their packing."

He sighed, and I lightly turned around to see Michonne carefully moving forward,"Some men arrive with guns, but most of the weapons are scavenged over time."

"And the other side of town?" I fully turned, Michonne now closer to me as I looked back at the silent and dark streets that lay behind us. This place seems much bigger than I first noticed, but is it all safe? "The rest of the streets? Are they all guarded like this? It-it can't be."

He turned to look at me, though now his face looked distorted thanks to the awful lighting of the area,he just nodded at me and simply said,"It can, and it is."

Before I could respond the man walked forward and turned to face Merle who whistled and laughed,"We got us a creeper governor." Wait..governor? A man with a gun was about to shoot but Merle stopped him,"May I?" He smiled and handed it over to a grinning Merle,"Thank you."

With his attention still off me I walked a bit closer to the steps,"Governor, they call you that?"

I turned to look at him, expecting to see some sort of reaction on his face or in his eyes but he didn't even spare me a single glance of curiosity. He continued to stare up at Merle as he answered,"Some nicknames stick around, whether you want them or not."

"Buzz is a nickname," he still didn't look at me and I continued,"Governor is a title." With no response I walked forward to the wall and found a small opening. Out of curiosity I looked through and was able to see the walker they had been talking about,"There is a difference." A shot rang out and the walker fell down, but with the noise I noticed another one appear out of the shadows, and then another. Without any wait I watched as they both tumbled to the ground with shots in the head.


"We'll get them in the morning."What? Why? I turned around from the wall to look at me and he easily read the confusion on my face,"We can't leave them to rot, it creates an odor. Makes people uneasy. "

So there are other people here? More than just these guys..I looked past the governor at the darkness of the rest of the town but I still saw nothing and heard nothing,"What people? There's no one here....It's a ghost town."

He stayed silent for a bit before motioning back towards the darkness with his head,"This way." I was still left in confusion but I stayed silent as I slowly followed behind him and Michonne followed behind me with her eyes constantly starring at every little detail. After a bit of a walk that only made me exhausted body more sore, we arrived at a building that the governor brought us into and opened a door. It was a small bedroom with a bed, a dressor, a loveseat against the wall and a window. Going inside it seemed to have its own bathroom.

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