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A Love For Knives + Carl Is Adorable


Photo Cred: lol I just had to add this photo


(Your POV)

"Like this?" I smiled as Carl positioned his arms to throw the knife. I had him place his arms in a slightly uncomfortable position, but it would help him in the long run. Just as I thought this, he looked back at me with a small frown, "Why do I have to hold my arms like this? It feels so bleh." This time he sounded slightly whiney, but I don't blame him.

I laughed to myself, pushing his hat down and over his face. "It's to make sure that you don't over swing your arm, toss the knife and have it go into the ground."

With a grunt, he pushed his hat back up. He looked at me in confusion. "Can't I just throw it and learn to aim without this?"

"You can, but the chances of it taking longer to learn are high." He pouted before placing his arms back in position. He had his left arm bent as a 90 degree angle, with his hand in a fist. His right arm, that was outstretched, held the knife. It rested on top of his left wrist. "Your throwing arm resting over the other is to make sure that when you swing, you don't move you arm too much and lose your target." I grabbed the his arm that held the knife and I bent it for a swing. I stopped his arm once it rested by his ear. "For starters, try and swing your arm until your hand is beside your ear, then swing forward until your arm is stopped by your other arm."

He nodded and was about to try to throw the knife when he suddenly stopped. "When do I let go of the knife?"

"I need to see how your aim is first, so just let it go when it feels right to you." He was unsure of when he should let it go, but non the less, he listened to what I said and brought his arm back to his ear. His head was at an odd angle, probably from mimicking people who used guns incorrectly, so I placed my hands over his ears and straightened his head. "Don't think about it too much. Just focus on your target and throw it."

I removed my hands from his ears,his head now straight and I watched from behind as he swung his arm.Even though his other arm was there to make sure he wouldn't over swing he continued to rotate his hand.With my arms crossed over my chest I watched the knife leave his hand only to stick itself straight into the ground.Ok so he doesn't over swing,at least I don't think he does,now I just need to fix his hand position. With a sigh followed by a cute pout, Carl turned around to face me,"It went into the ground even with my arms like this."

I walked over and grabbed the knife,Carl mimicked his awkward head angle from watching,so maybe..with a shrug to myself I tapped Carl's hat with the knives handle getting his attention. I handed him the knife and went and grabbed one for me,"I want you to watch me first and then try your best to copy me. Sound better?"

He nodded before asking,"Do I still have to hold my arms like that?"

I leaned close to his face,"Depends, are you going to stop yourself from overswinging?" He nodded at me with the most serious face he could muster,"Alright then, no arms needed."

"Yes!" I laughed at his joy before flipping the knife around in my hand so that I was holding it from the blade. "Woah! You throw it from the blade?!"

"Yup, but you probabaly shouldn't do that," he stuck his tongue out at me before smiling again. "Normally I'd say go ahead but Shane is watching us like a hawk right now, and if you get hurt your moms gonna lecture me."

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