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Its hard.
And it gets harder everyday.

Knocking the air out of you.
Not satisfied until you are gasping, suffocating.

Its not physical as such.
More along the lines of emotional.

When your heart crumbles a bit more everyday.
The anticipation of the day when you'll be hollow.

Hoseok glances at the boy of whom makes his heart swell. His eyes take in his hunched but well structured form, memorizing.
Hoseok can't help it: an attractive specimen is seated not two inches away from him, how could he not sneak peeks?

His best friends, Taehyung and Jimin, knew. They were his bestest friends in the whole wide world... And more than likely knew before Hobi himself.

Min Yoongi occupied the entity of Hoseok's mind.
If Hoseok had a three dolla for every time he thought of Yoongi, he would have three dolla because Yoongi never left his mind.

Compared to the older, Hoseok was nothing.
Yoongi was flawlessly handsome, he was musically talented, amazing at basketball and he was just everything Hoseok wasn't.

Yoongi had girls drooling over him, although he never paid any attention to them... Too busy napping or writing lyrics.

"Hobi... Hobi... Hobiii... HoseOK!"

Hoseok snapped out of his lustful gaze, turning his head slowly to his best friends who were repeatedly clicking their fingers in front of his eyes and screaming his name.

"Now everyone is staring" Jimin groaned,
"All the right people though" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows.

Peering over his shoulder, Hoseok sees his crush pouting with a questioning look upon his unblemished face.

"Jungkookieeee" Taehyung sang, embarassing his boyfriend by waving and making kissing noises to him.

Rolling his eyes, Hoseok returned back to gazing at the back of the blonde haired male's head.

"Anyway, we were saying if you wanted to go to the park after school today" Jimin questions,
"Yeah sure" Hoseok nods, not taking his eyes off Yoongi's form.

The only class that Hoseok didn't have with the ice prince was dance, when Hoseok had dance, Yoongi had computer graphics.

The man was like a magnet, always drawing Hoseok's eyes towards him. And goD did he smell sO goOD! He smelt strongly of cologne that was mixed with something else that Hoseok just couldn't put finger on, nonetheless, he always subconsciously leaned closer just to inhale the drug that is Yoongi.

When the bell rang, signaling the end of another drilling day, Hoseok bent down to grab his satchel, not aware that Yoongi was going down to pick up his rucksack.
Ultimately, it involved alot of pain and cursed words, both parties rubbing their heads after the collision.

"O m g, I am so sorry" Hoseok quickly apologied, his face going red because of the embarrassment he was currently feeling,

"Its cool" Yoongi replied, shouldering his rucksack before getting up and leaving.

That and the occasional request for help or equipment were the only short lived conversations him and Yoongi shared.
While Hoseok was bubbly and sociable, Yoongi was reserved and quiet, so it wasn't a surprise that all there was between them was dead air.

Sighing, Hoseok made his way to meet up by the lockers with his friends. Jungkook was also there, pushing his art sketchbook into his locker.

It puzzled Hoseok how Jungkook and Taehyung had even gotten together, they had one lesson together, Drama, and Jungkook wasn't the conversationalist.

Maybe it was possible that Yoongi and himself could be something, it was a similar case to TaeTae and Kooks.

No one knew the sexual orientation of Min Yoongi because he never showed any attraction to girls, but he never set any gaydars off either.

The four boys made their trek to the park, heading towards their favourite spot; it was very secluded and involved lots of trees to climb and potentially hide in.

Twas one of the boys' favourite past times, it gave them a chance to bond and be free with their thoughts and words.

And, as usual, Hoseok's mind would stray.

But it would still follow the path of Min Yoon Gi.

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