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"Whats this?" Yoongi frowned when Hoseok slipped him the new song during break,

"Well, yesterday you dropped a sheet, I went to find you to give it to you but you were gone. I happened to see that you were writing a song, so i took the liberty to make a quick draft for you" Hoseok was surprised at how level his voice when really he was pissing himself at the fact that he was talking to his crush, "I hope you like it"

Trying to be cool and seemingly unfazed, Hoseok walked away and went to join Jimin and the others.

"Wait?! You went and spoke to Min Yoongi?! By yourself?!" Taehyung applauded Hoseok, "I salute you sir"

The blush and highschool girl Hoseok had been trying to hide whilst talking to the god which is Yoongi, now appeared and he squeaked.

It wasn't until next lesson during Japanese, the lesson that Yoongi hated and would spend the hour as a sleeping beauty, that Hoseok got his second interaction with the other.

"Josuk? Was it?"

"Um, its Hoseok" He Just managed to say.

If Yoongi says my name is Josuk, then my name is flipping Josuk, Hoseok thought to himself.

"Whatever" Yoongi leaned closer, "Do you write raps?"


"Raps. Do you write raps?"

"I don't really write lyrics tbh, I just felt spontaneous last night" Hoseok shrugged.

On the outside, Hoseok was trying to look cool, but on the inside, his stomach was doing flips.

They were actually having a conversation!¡!¡!

"You should be spontaneous more often then" Yoongi grinned, before laying his head down on the table, "not many people impress me, Hoseok, but you did just that"

That comment left Hoseok beaming with pride, that luckily went unseen by the dozing prince.

He, little and lowly Jung Hoseok, impressed him, the amazing and grand Min Yoongi.


He was so happy that even the tranquility of the park couldn't calm down the buzzing lil sunshine.

"Hey, Hoseok-ah"

Hoseok could listen to that voice speaking those few words for hours on end.

"Oh, hyung, hi" The boy smiled, his heart thumping against his chest, "What's up?"

Yoongi, as always looked drop dead gorgeous in school uniform, leaned against his desk.

"Tonight after school, I'm gonna be composing a little track for that rap you wrote and I want you to help me with it" The blonde haired wonder told,

"Er yeah sure" Hoseok tried not to sound too eager.

Being alone in the same empty room as your crush is obviously the most distracting thing ever, and Hoseok was no exception.
He glanced longingly at the working man wanting to do nothing more than go up to him and hug him.
But alas, he could not.
Consequently, he just suffered.

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