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He felt almost suffocated. 

Lights flashed in a rhythmic pattern: red, green, pink, purple, blue, red, green, pink, purple, blue, red...

Smoke made everything so hazy and disorientating, seemingly swirling to the pulse of the beat. 

The strong stench of alcohol reeked from all those he passed, and it was so hot, making the smell strengthen. 

Body's writhed together in what some would consider as dancing, but to the actual teenage dancer, what these people were doing was definitely noT dancing, more like wiggling their limbs into what they thought would look good. 

Occasionally Yoongi would get recognised, mostly by men and drunk women. 

"Hey, handsome" 

Hoseok almost jumped out of his skin as cold fingers curled around his shoulders. He turned around and saw a gay guy's worst nightmare... a woman who was interested in him. 

"I haven't seen you here before" She slurs, batting her thickly painted eyes at him, "I wouldn't miss someone as gorgeous as you" 

He didn't have any words, just staring at the women with wide and scared eyes. 

"My name is Nara" She steps closer, "But you can call me mummy, baby boy" 

This was completely and utterly gross. This woman was like twice Hoseok's age and she just screamed cougar, with her skimpy clothes and caked face. 

This just reminded Hoseok of why he wasn't interested in girls... why he didn't like them in the slightest... 

Yoongi growled, yanking Hoseok away from this... this... whatever is a good adjective to describe how utterly repulsive this girl is. 

Mentally, Hoseok thanked Yoongi for getting him out of that situation, but physically, he couldn't bring himself to say anything, his body shaken from that awful encounter. 

How big was this club?! 

Or was it just the sea of people that he was trying to wade his way through, nearly losing sight of the blonde haired man leading him through, that gave off the idea that it was bigger than what he thought? 

Eventually, they reached the far side of the smothering building, finding a door that had no handle or anything to give away the fact that it was a door.

The elder thumped his clench fist against the 'door', and a small slide revealing a pair of eyes glanced briefly at Yoongi before flicking to Hoseok. 

"Who dis?" the person behind the door said, 

"He's with me" Yoongi jerked his head towards Hoseok. 

Once the door did so much as widen a centimetre, Yoongi slipped through, dragging the younger with him in the blink of an eye. 

The 'guard' of the 'door' was all that Hoseok was afraid to accidently turn into: he had a shaved head, with one blue eye and one brown eye, tattoos crawling across his skin and piercings littering his face. 

The man stepped aside presenting a steep staircase that led even further down, flickering lights giving it an eerie aura that was definitely out of Hoseok's fear tolerance. 

Yoongi was already becoming indistinct, his blonde hair catching the light every now and then, showing the progress of his movements. 

A chuckle that could have been a grumble came from the scary guard guy, crossing his arms and a smirk stretching across his mouth. The bloke didn't need to say it, Hoseok already knew what single word would be said, and honestly, Hoseok has had enough of that specific adjective. 

So, with his chin up and fear levels, Hoseok began to follow the blonde down the swirling staircase. It almost made him dizzy, going round, and around, and around, and around. 

Then they came to a red curtain. 

"Are you ready?" Yoongi grinned, 


Swiping the fabric aside, Hoseok's mouth fell agape. 

This room was bigger than the club and there was a stage at the far end. It was like a cooler version of the club up stairs. 

"Time to turn you into man, Hoseok-ah" Yoongi put his arm around Hoseok's shoulders and guided him further into the secret place. 

Quite quickly, the hall was full up of potential rappers, dancers, singers and beat-boxers. It wasn't as overwhelming as the actual club itself, but it was still much. 

"This is where you make connections, dongsaeng, see how other people's style and learn from that" Yoongi told, sitting at a table,

Hoseok sat across from him, "So what now?"

"You show them what you can do... a rap battle should commence soon" Yoongi grins.

The whole thing started at 1am and didn't finish until 4:30am.

Hoseok wasn't tired like he had been in the beginning, he was hyper and grinning like crazy.

The club had finished an hour ago, so when he went through the room, it was deathly quiet and pitch black and he tripped over a few times, causing a laugh to flow from Yoongi's pink lips.

This beautiful sound sent a wave of joy throughout Hoseok's vaguely sweaty and bruised body, making the man even more happy than he already was.

"Come on, clumsy" Yoongi stepped outside.

The early morning air slapped Hoseok's skin, goosebumps rising up and a shiver rippling down his spine.

Yoongi stopped to inhale the fresh air.

It smelt too fresh, meaning that it had rained in the three and a half hours he had been inside, and Hoseok closed his eyes to breath in deeply. The atmosphere when it had rained was by far the best as it made them feel refreshed and ready.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that Yoongi had been looking at him. 

"What?" Hoseok laughed semi-nervously, 

"Nothing" he shrugged, smiling, "Hey, it's too late for you to get home, my house is closer, text your mum you're at your grandma's and let's bunk tomorrow" 

Hoseok had never played truant! He had a perfect school record and was he really going to throw it away just so he could hang out with his crush... 


Yes he was.

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