서른 하나

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"Noona! Open up!" 

The events of that day replayed in Hoseok's head in a painful series.

"FUCK YOU!" A harsh thump slammed against the door and everything ceased. 

"It's your call, Hoseok" Chunja gritted her teeth, "But I'm gonna fucking kill him" 

Hoseok didn't know what to do; the man was extremely anxious and apprehensive, he had a right to be after all, Yoongi had just beaten him to a pulp. 

"Chunja... I've done something awful... I need your help... please... I know you're in there" Yoongi sounded defeated and weak. 

The woman didn't remove the chain lock, opening the door a slither. 

"What do you want?" She growled, 

"I need your help" He simply said, 

Chunja snorted, "I gave you my help, and I'm guessing you fucked up, so I'm telling you go to Namjoon or Aejung or Seokjin, because I'm done trying to help your stubborn, arrogant ass" 

Yoongi sighed, "I swear you've memorised those lines" 

Hoseok watched in fear as Chunja slammed the door, opened it again, dragged Yoongi in, shoved him to the wall, her meat knife pointed at his jugular and a snarl upon her face in under ten seconds. 

"I've said them too often, Min Yoongi" She hissed, her face so close to his that, if Hoseok had been in that situation, he would have shite himself by now, her intense gaze and curled lip sending a shiver down Yoongi's spine, 

"I'm sorry..." he muttered, 

"WRONG PERSON!" She turned around and threw the knife into the wall. 

In all their minds, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Junkook noted to never make this woman angry, she was small, but she was mighty. 

"Look, Yoongi" Chunja inhaled, "I'm going to take a walk and calm down, in those fifteen minutes, you better make things better" 

Yoongi frowned before looking further into the home and seeing Hoseok and the others. 

"Jimin-ah, Taehyung-ah, Jungkook-ah... Let's go" She said. 

Those named stood and left. Hoseok tried to make eye contact with them, but they avoided his pleas except Chunja... She nodded slowly, manoeuvring out of the door, leaving just Hoseok and Yoongi in her home. 

Hoseok was so scared. 

He wanted to jump up and get the fuck out of there, before anything could happen. 

Under Yoongi's unreadable gaze, Hoseok felt like collapsing; it was intense and scrutinising, as if, bit by bit, Hoseok was being stripped down to his skeleton. 

In the end, Hoseok broke the eye contact and became suddenly very interested in his fingers, but still he could feel Yoongi's dark eyes burning into his soul. 

He heard shuffling of feet before the movement began... Yoongi was walking towards Hoseok, unblinking and set. 

"Don't hurt me!" Hoseok squeaked when he saw the shadow of Yoongi loom over him, his hand slipping out of his pocket and raising above him. 







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