스물 다섯

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Golden Dragon was a champion for a reason, his crown still placed snuggly on his luscious locks.

Even though Hoseok hadn't won directly, he had done enough to prove himself worthy, scouts giving him invitations, and the Street Dogs' respect - most of them anyway.

"IM SO PROUD OF YOU!" Chunja had so much love in her heart that it made her hugs bone crushing.

Jimin joined in on the hug, telling the friend that he had been videoing the whole thing and now sent it to Tae and Kookie.

"Let's all go to a club!" BoraBora cheered.

Even though there were people like LittleGirl who obviously didn't look old enough to get into clubs, the whole squad got in and had a whirl of a time.

Hoseok naturally was a light weight and after a couple of shots with Jimin, was drunk and even more jolly unlike the sleepy red head.

They all partied until the club had closed and by then, nearly all of them was drunk.

Yoongi, in Hoseok's drunk and sober opinion, was absolutely jaw-dropping, drop-dead gorgeous.
His newly dyed mint hair was so fluffy and Hoseok just wanted nothing more than to run his fingers through it; the mint hair emphasised his deep chocolate brown eyes, flawless skin and pink, kissable lips.

Once the alcohol induced teens got out of the taxi, they all staggered to their rooms.

The halls would bounce in laughter every time Yoongi swayed too far and fell over, or every time Hoseok tripped over and into a wall.

After a lot of struggle, Hoseok could see their hotel room door drawing nearer, a sigh of relief as this would mean a less stressful night's sleep in the hotel's comfortable beds.
A weight breezed across Hoseok's waist and slid into his back pocket, lightly patting and rubbing his behind.

Hoseok jerked, Yoongi's hand retracting away, but before he knew it, he had been slammed against the wall, their door not two centimetres away from them.

His breath was hot against Hoseok's neck and the smell of alcohol was definitely obvious, but still Yoongi licked a stripe up Hoseok's neck.

"H-Hyung" He gasped when Yoongi had found his sweet spot and began to suck a circular red blotch onto his skin,

"I'm not gay, but, god, I want you, Hoseok-ah" Yoongi replied huskily, taking the key and unlocking their door, the boys tumbling into the room, lust clouding their eyes.

The brunette was overwhelmed with emotions as the mint-haired pressed his body against his, wet, open mouthed kisses on his neck and jaw mixing with the coldness of the wall seeping through his shirt causing a shiver to pass down his spine. Hoseok threaded a hand in Yoongi's hair and directed the head to him, biting his lip when their eyes met, a gaze that was a lot more than just a drunken haze that was blinding them from the reality of the situation; Yoongi's tongue slid across his lips, glazing them before leaning up and kissing Hoseok. 

The sound that people do when eating something delicious, half between a murmur and a moan, rumbled at the back of Hoseok's throat, seemingly turning on Yoongi for the kiss rapidly intensified. 

I need more... I want more, was chanted in Hoseok's intoxicated mind, More, more, moRE

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