Newspaper Reports

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The 23 year old woman, identified as Lee Chunja, admitted into hospital in the late hours of the night before last on a drug overdose has now been deemed in critical condition.

Along with this, it is known that the woman is pregnant with a minor's, who cannot be named for legal reasons, child.
However, no charges will be pressed for the parents of the minor informed the police that they had met the woman, despite being unaware about their sexual relations, and said all was consensual.

Upon inquiry, doctors report to us that Miss Lee's chances of survival are extremely slim, especially with the damaged foetus intact.

We await the next line of news on this case.


Earlier this morning, a grey Jeep was seen speeding down the motorway, narrowly avoiding other cars.

A witness stated, "There was a lot of shouting, and a door flew open, a young man tumbling out before the door was smashed off. It must have been going at least 60-70mph"

The vehicle supposedly flipped 5 times, somehow landing back on its tires, soon to crash into the wall of a warehouse and approximately 1 minute after impact, the car went up in flames.

A yet to be named male was said to have been dead via gunshot wounds before the collision, giving us the sense that there had been a brawl which may have caused the crash.
The several of the remaining estimated seven passengers, were killed whereas two have been admitted to hospital with life threatening injuries, known to be in critical condition.

The results of the hospitalised individuals will be reported soon.

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