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"Yoongi, I can't... I don't want to-"

"Too late"

"Stop for a second"


"I'm uncomfortable"

"I'm not stopping"




"You're such a little bitch, such a pussy"

"I don't want this"

"You want this, I know you do"

"But I don't!"



"Trust me"

"Why should I?!"

"Because, as your hyung, I know what is best for you"

"This is a very twisted idea of 'what's best for me'"

"You'll thank me later"

"I won't! It's called a comfort zone for a reason!"


"Don't use that tone on me! I won't submit to you like everyone else!"

"You don't have a choice any more"

"No! Yoongi!"

"Hush, boy"


"I promise it's not as bad as it seems. I'll look after you, okay?"


"Shusshhh, trust hyung"

"Hhhh fine"

"Good boy"

A/N: Hehehehehe
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Fighting! 💕

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