마흔 하나

103 7 13

The house bore no indication of life.
It was silent... eerily quiet...

Hoseok shuffled cautiously down the hallway, hanging up his coat along the way whilst groping the wall to find the light switch.
It wasn't even that late for the whole house to be in darkness especially on a spring almost summer evening.

The boy's foot caught on a large object, sending him flying forwards, crashing painfully into the closed living room door.
Two things rang like alarm bells in Hoseok's head: his battered body screaming in pain, and all the tale-tell signs that this was exactly what happens in horror movies and what he had just tripped over was the lifeless body of his father.

All possible horror movie deaths flashed into the imagination of the scared teenager; hands clammy and shaking he grasped the cold, brass door knob that should lead to the mass-murder in the living room.

The room was dimly lit by two lamps upon either side of a table directly opposite.
Just as the boy stepped inside the room, a weight hurled towards him: A massive figure, bruising the teenager even more with angry punches and cusses.
Another set of feet slid along the wooden floor boards, grabbing the shirt of the person beating him and pulled the individual away.

Opening his eyes, Hoseok focused on the gathering of his immediate family. The vein in his father's forehead  and neck bulged from beneath the scarlet pigment of the furious flush.
His mother clutched onto get husband,  her face ashen and eyes brimmed with disappointment.
While his sister, she looked as if something distasteful had settled upon her tongue, arms crossed and chin raised.

"All that you need had been packed, you can leave immediately" Mrs Jung's lips her dry and chapped, adding a more resentful undertone to her words.

This was the ultimate nightmare of Jung Hoseok... and it was coming true before his widened eyes.

The item he had tripped over had been a sports bag stuffed with his possessions.

"No faggots will be living in my house" His father snarled menacingly.

Hoseok wasn't going to question how in the name of Jesus they knew about his homosexuality, as he knew how they knew its because Dagger knew and he knows that Dagger knows so now the whole school knows as well as his homophobic family.

"How could you do this to me, Hoseok?! How could you?!" It pained the boy to see his mum cry from disappointment, "We have a good name, but now we're all to shame?! Why would you do this to us?!"

Reasoning with the unreasonable would be pointless so Hoseok just sighed, "I could never love a female... I'm sorry"

"Get out! I hope we never see you're  motherfucking scummy ass bitch self here again!" Mr Jung shouted, pulling his wife and daughter closer.

Tears collected in his eyes, Hoseok could only nod, shouldering his school bag and that sports bag before exiting the place he once called home.

There wasn't anywhere for him to go. The only options were as followed: Chunja, but she's in hospital, Jimin, but he's with Chunja, and Taehyung, but he's probably too busy fucking Jungkook.
Hoseok did attempt to call Kookie, but it went straight onto voicemail, which indicated that the two were having sick, literally, sex.

If only his family were as accepting as Taekook's families, who were already predicting their sons' future together.

A longing exhalation left the teenager slumped on a bus seat, his eyes sore from all the crying of that day and his body aching from all the punched of that same day.
Everything was going so downhill for him that it left him contemplating whether he even had a will to live.

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