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It was a drizzly Saturday... 

It was a dismal Saturday... 

Twas the Saturday where everyone questioned their existence...

A boring weekend day... 

Another tedious 24 hours to add upon a person's life... 

Everyone, in the simplistic form, was bored out of their minds.

"Let's go do something" Taehyung said. 

Perking up just a little bit to hear the rest of Taehyung's proposal, the other two remained motionless. Jimin was scrolling through Instagram, occasionally double tapping, while Hoseok was single-handedly eating a bowl full of gummy bears. 

"Why don't we go to the park?" He continued, "We could... i dunno... be less bored"

Hoseok and Jimin murmured in agreement and the trio sluggishly walked towards their park. 

The atmosphere itself was displeased, even the sun shone wearily through the blanket of grey clouds, only doing its work half-arsed on this dreary autumn day. 

Even in the comfort of their tree, Hoseok questioned whether it would be better to be in the warmth of his house once again. Their tree was damp and the leaves weren't as concealing as they once were, just hanging their limp, droplets of rain plopping off. 

You would think the park would be busy on the weekend, but it was just as inactive as the weekday. They hardly ever came to the park on the weekend, usually they were shut up in their rooms doing homework by the tonnes. 

"Can we agree that this is just as boring as sitting at home?" Jimin ran a hand through his hair, shaking it out afterwards. 

They were about to jump out of the tree and head back home to warmth and food when they heard chatter and the crunching of leaves under shoes. 

There was about twelve of them, Hoseok approximated. Each individual was dressed differently, but following the same style of hip hop. There were girls, guys, some short and some tall. 

"What are they doing here?" Taehyung whispered. 

Hoseok didn't recognise any of them except the BigHit trainees Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin, the rest were complete strangers... 


His eyes lit up and he edged closer as he saw his future husband standing not ten feet away from him. 

God, he looked so handsome! His golden hair was parted slightly and he sported a black t-shirt, green coat and blue jeans, a cross chain around his neck, piercings in his ear and rings decorating his fingers. 

Handsome? He looked smoking hot! 

Hoseok unconsciously licked his lips and edged a tiny bit further forwards, trying to get a better view. 

What was he doing here? Was Yoongi here often?! 

They were standing in an almost circle, a boy who looked older than Hoseok and was by far the most structured being in the world, stood opposite another guy in a face off kind of thing and everyone else got on a side. 

Where they gonna fight?! 

"Look at her" Jimin's mouth watered as a girl stepped forwards slightly. 

In Hoseok's opinion, she wasn't anything special, but she was pretty. 

Suddenly, catching the three boys in the tree off guard, the girl began to beat box and it was better than Hoseok would ever be able to do, and instead of fighting, the older boy began to rap. 

"I wonder what else she can do with that mouth" Jimin smirked, laughing quietly when Taehyung punched him in the arm. 

Of course, Hoseok has heard rap music, in fact, there was once a time where he wanted to be a rapper, but naturally, his parents talked him out of it. 

There was something about this that made it different. 

Maybe it was the fact that these people actually had the rawness of just their voices and this beatboxerette. 

Or it was how they all had different styles, even despite the beat they were given, they bent it to fit themselves. 

When Yoongi came out against Namjoon, Hoseok could have cummed then and there. 

Yoongi was just as good, if not better, than Namjoon who had been accepted into an entertainment. He could spit fire faster than Namjoon and launch his attacks leaving everyone going 'oooohhh'. 

Hoseok was left in a state of awe. This was truly something that Hoseok wanted to be a part of. It was as if he had tasted gold and now all he wanted was more.

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