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Taehyung still couldn't believe it.
"How could you be centimetres away from him and not want to jump on him?"

Jungkook was slightly confused and judgemental about this statement.
"Were you like that with me?"

Winking at his boyfriend, Taehyung went back to pestering in exclamations to Hoseok.

"Small steps, gentlemen, small steps" Jimin said, giving Hoseok a pat on the shoulder.

The track turned out really well much to Hoseok and Yoongi's collected joy.

Unfortunately, that didn't give Hoseok the advancements he wanted. What he had hoped from this was to be at least on friendly terms with Yoongi....

Making the track, they had had so much fun making that track. Yoongi was secretly a very witty person, under all the sarcasm that is. 

But now... 

Now everything had reverted back to how it had been beforehand... which sucks... 

If only Yoongi paid attention to him... 

If only Yoongi paid attention to anyonE!

He had a huge squad of friends and his social media was always blowing up, pictures that he had been tagged in and aesthetically pleasing pictures he had taken on his feed. 

But other than that, everyone and thing else was, Hoseok guessed, background music to him, which, again, sucks. 

"Hoseok, why don't you find someone else to obsess over?" Jimin suggested. 

Hoseok felt betrayed! 

First of all, how DARE Jimin suggest something so preposterous! And secondly and lastly, HE WAS NOT OBSESSED! He just had the fattest and hugest crush on him, which is different to obsession! One might even say that Hoseok is hopelessly in love with Yoongi. 

These feelings were put forth in a calm and dignified manner... 

"TRAITOR!" Hoseok nearly screamed, "HOW COULD YOU SAY SUCH A THING!?"

Jimin held up his hands in a defensive reflex, "I'm being realistic, Hoseokie... he is straight after all" 

"You don't know that for sure" 

"But Hoseok, it's-"

"He could be gay"

"But Hoseok-"

"Or bi"


"Or I could just have a sex change"

Jimin sighed... there was no way he would be reasoning with Hoseok today, so instead of trying a billionth time to crush the stupid boy's fruitless dreams, he just took a sudden interest in his finger nails.

Hoseok lied awake that night. The words of Jimin echoing throughout the caverns of Hoseok's mind. 

Of course, they have had these conversations millions upon millions of times before, and each time, he tossed and turned in his bed, constantly wondering the what if's. 

If he had a reasonable and logical answer, his fantasy and hopeful side always popped up and argued against it. He was in constant turmoil and it was so frustrating! 

And he blamed this all upon Min fucking Yoongi.

Falling Hard, Falling Straight - YoonSeokWhere stories live. Discover now