서른 넷

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He and Yoongi in the three months they had been dating, they hadn't had sex since that drunken night, and right now, Hoseok wanted attention... emotionally and physically. 


Yoongi was slightly tipsy as the boys had been out until the early hours of the morning doing what they do best. 

It was too early for them to want to crash in the elder's extremeLY comfortable bed, as much as Hoseok would love to lay in their with his lazy boyfriend and cuddle for the whole day, both had been drinking and were in the state of drunkenness where sleep was at the back of their minds and they were kind of hungry and wanted to randomly start dancing. 

But right now, Yoongi was leaning against the counter in his leather trousers, emphasising all the right and desirable areas, plus a tight white shirt, the sight of his hair styled incredibly professionally and sexily making Hoseok's mind wander. 

It replayed that night, his imagination filling in the hazy parts, but o m g, Hoseok's brain was getting dirty real quick.

The way his lips curled around the beer bottle top and his adam's apple bobbing when he swallowed... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, if he didn't stop, Hoseok was sure that he would end up with a tent in his pants.

"Hoseok-ah, babe, you're staring" 

Aforementioned male snapped out of his daze and realised he had been staring, rather lustfully, at his boyfriend. 

"Sorry" he blushed,

Of course, Yoongi found this adorable and strode up to the younger, smirking, and peck his lips, "I know I'm gorgeous, babe, but jesus, you practically undressed me with your eyes" 

"Maybe that was the look I was going for" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, 

"Why only with your eyes" Yoongi pressed himself against his boyfriend, "When you can do it with your hands?"

In this relationship, Hoseok was definitely the innocent, smol bean that at the mention of anything possibly dirty sent a red pigment on his cheeks, while Yoongi openly expressed his sexual fantasies, enjoying the effect it had on the younger. 

"Is that an invitation?" The brunette licked his lips, slowly, "If it is, then I accept, clicking all the terms and conditions without even looking"

Yoongi smirked, "If this is you talking dirty, well shit, I'm hard"

Leaning even closer to the man than how close they were already, almost chest to chest, whispering into his ear, skimming the lobe with his moist lips, "Well, I know a way to help with that boner of yours" 

"Ooooh tell me, beautiful" Yoongi ran his hands up and down Hoseok's arms, 

"Imagine your grandma naked" 


Hoseok began laughing hysterically. 

It was hilarious to him, Yoongi's mind unwillingly steered to that horrific imagery and his face twisted in disgust. 

The elder growled and pulled the younger to him, "Kiss me, you crazy, sexy thing" 

Their lips smashed together in a passionate kiss, grabbing each other's clothing as the moment intensified. 

Falling Hard, Falling Straight - YoonSeokWhere stories live. Discover now