스물 여섯

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The light pulsing in his head was what stirred Hoseok awake. He was confused and disorientated, looking up at the ceiling and thinking that this was not his ceiling.

His body ached and he was still trying to figure out who he was and where he was.

All of his clothes were on the floor, which to the puzzled and hung over Hoseok, was odd since he was a fairly OCD person... also there was more clothes than necessary, making him even more confused as Hoseok swore he only wore one pair of boxers...

It was at that moment that he came to the realisation that his ass really hurt, causing the rest of his lower back and thighs to ache, screaming at him when he sat up completely, the man wincing at the searing pain.

A mirror was upon the wall opposite the beds and to Hoseok's horror, he had dark purple hickies scattered down his neck and across his chest.

"The heck?!" He hesitantly touched one, hissing as that, too, stung like hell.

There were so many goddamn hickies! How was he ever going to cover these beauties up?!

So, to recap, Hoseok was sitting in a hotel bed, vaguely sticky, naked, painful butt with hickies...

Just then, a man with aqua green hair came in from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist...
Which is when it all came back to Hoseok in an overwhelming frenzy.

Hands roamed, and the sweet kisses soon turned savoury as tongue technology began to work.
Hips clicked together, friction sending ecstatic waves through the bodies of the men.
The bed creaked under the weight of two adult sized men, frantic to feel each other in a drunk stupor.
Dirty words and moans, and skin slapping skin were the music that filled the room.
So much passion between the two, the fiery blaze warming hearts.
Sweaty bodies collapsing onto a rocky bed, contentedness and fatigue washing over them.

Hoseok's body begged to feel Yoongi once again pressed up against it, but he stayed put, frozen in terror.

Bite marks were upon Yoongi's shoulders, pink scratches drawn into his unblemished skin and a line of hickies from his solarplexes trailing down, disappearing under the towel.

"Shit" Hoseok heard Yoongi curse.

It was a lot to take in...

Yoongi pulled on a pair of boxers and jeans, before turning to Hoseok, his eyes dark and threatening.

"Last night never happened" he growled, "If you tell anyonE, I will fuck you up, you hear me?! I ain't pissing around, Hoseok! You tell anyone, and i swear to fucking god, you would wish you were dead"

Hoseok nodded meekly, casting his gaze down while Yoongi put on a long sleeved jumper and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

During his relaxing and soothing bath, Hoseok replayed the whole thing, from leaving the club to Yoongi threatening him. The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he got... not just at himself for not doing anything to stop it, but at the prick called Min Yoongi.

It wasn't Hoseok's fault that they slept together! If anyone was to blame, it would be Yoongi's for coming onto him!
He was the one to stick his dick up Hoseok's perky bum! The cause of thirteen hickies!

"Fuck you, Min Yoongi!" the younger shouted.

However, despite all his anger, Hoseok couldn't help but smile to himself, remembering how Yoongi apologised for the lack of lube and how he had whispered sweet nothings in his ear to take his mind off of the discomfort. Therefore, the guy couldn't be too bad of a person.

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