마흔 둘

127 4 1

no this wasn't happening
no this wasn't
no this
no but
no but it
no but it is
no but it is though

Yoongi smiled innocently as he licked over the mark he had made in Hoseok's tanned skin, using his saliva to soothe the dull pain it exerted.

"What the fuck, Yoongi?!" He sits up, exasperated,

"I couldn't resist tasting your skin one last time" The grey haired teen laid back onto his back.

Hoseok was getting so confused!
First Yoongi is a straight fuckboy, then he's gay, then he's in denial, then he's straight, then he's gay again!
The man was seriously messing with Hoseok's head!
As much as he likes the feeling of Yoongi's soft lips upon his body, it was just so wrong!
How could Yoongi do this to him?! One would think that the elder had hurt poor Hoseok enough!

"First you want me, then you don't, and then the whole process loops again!" Hoseok hissed, "I don't want to keep jumping through hoops, Min, I'm not just some dog that'll keep coming back no matter how much you neglect it! Dont you think you've done enough?!"

Yoongi frowned, unaware at how lines will make a permanent crease later on in life. He lifted himself up so that, he too, was sitting up in bed, cupping Hoseok's face with one hand while the other gripped his wrist.
They locked eyes.
Hoseok couldn't detect any giveaway emotions, making him more scared and anxious.

First, Yoongi's lips pressed gentle kisses upon his cheeks and forehead.
Then he completely straddled Hoseok, pulling him down onto the bed.
Finally, he pinned the other's down hands before carefully joining their mouths together.

It seemed that the kiss wasn't done to reassure Hoseok, to tell Hoseok he loved him, to give Hoseok his affections. No.
This action was purely done for Yoongi's own selfishness.

"Why aren't you kissing back?" The grey haired guy pulled his brows together to meet on the top of his nose, he actually sounded generally hurt,

Twas the moment to strike, so the younger shoved Yoongi off and slapped him across the face, "Because I don't wanna be your little bitch, okay?!"

While Yoongi just laid there, Hoseok took the time to get out of the comfortable prison, pulling on his jeans.

"You can't pretend this never happened, Hoseok-ah" Yoongi said, smirking slightly, "Because it did happen, and you can't keep running away from your problems"

"Funny thing that, it seems that I keep running to my problems" Hoseok fired back, "You're just full of bullshit, Min Yoongi, you're such a... a... a... wanker"

Oooooh, that made Hoseok's blood boil.

"Why do I need to jerk off to myself when I have sweet sluts like you" The rapper smirked, crossing his arms behind his arrogant head.

That was it!
That was IT!

"Do you wanna fucking fight, Min" Hoseok whipped around, advancing towards the bed, "Cuz I'm ready to fucking beat the living crap out of you!"

"Do NOT fight or threaten me in my own house" Soon came his signature smirk, "Plus you're too much of a pussy, you know I would win anyway"

Despite how riled up he was, Hoseok knew that Yoongi was right. There had been a few occasions where the boy had seen his ex fight, and boy, he did look hot, ignoring that though, he was a better fighter than Hoseok will ever be.

"Come back to bed, Hoseok-ah" That bastard patted the space beside him.

Hoseok had to break something, whether it be a cup or Yoongi's nose. Yet, the calm idea to be passive and make the talk, instead of trying to disfigure his gorgeous face, sounded a lot more tactical.
Still though, he was bubbling and he cried out in frustration, slamming his fists against the wall, leaning against it as the coldness from the all seeped through his T-shirt and onto his torso.
Recovering and taking a deep breath, Hoseok sauntered to the bed, plopping onto the bottom edge, distancing himself from the evil teen.

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