서른 둘

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With a racing heart, Hoseok opened his eyes and found, knelt before him, Yoongi. 

The most admired man Hoseok knew was currently on the floor in front of him, hunched over and looking so weak and feeble. 

Yoongi looked up from underneath his bangs at the brunette above, soon to straighten up his spine and cup his cheek in his pale hands. 

Hoseok winced at his touch not because it hurt physically, although he did have a massive bruise forming there, but emotionally. 

In the past two weeks, Hoseok had been more exhausted than usual, however, right now with Yoongi's thumb softly stroking his cheek, the fatigue took its toll and he swayed. Yoongi kept him upright, steadying him for a few seconds before running to get a glass of water for him. 

"Here" Yoongi offered the beverage to Hoseok, 

"Go away! You've done enough!" He swiped at Yoongi's hand, the glass shattering on the floor, spilling cold water on Chunja's carpet. 

It could be seen that it took all of Yoongi's self-control not to get angry and not have Hoseok by his throat, instead the man took a deep breath and went to clear up the mess. 

"I'm trying to help you, you ungrateful brat, and you drop honorifics" Yoongi scolded. 

Hoseok extended his leg and kicked Yoongi hard, he deserved it after all. 

The elder growled and in a blink of an eye, Hoseok was on the ground, pinned down by Yoongi. 

"where's your respect?!" He hissed, 

"You don't deserve my respect" Hoseok retorted, trying to get Yoongi off, but the Daegu-born-boy didn't budge, 



"My patience is wearing thin" He says, dully, sitting back on Hoseok's stomach,

"Get on with it then. I'm waiting for you to fuck Yerin over. I'm waiting for you to be a fricking dick. I'm waiting for you to pretend I don't exist again" bluntly stated Hoseok, "You're the typical popular boy, Yoongi: arrogant, selfish, ignorant, fuckboy. and you know what if I could go back in time to when you first joined the school and tell past me to not give you a second glance"

Yoongi, at first, looked like a slapped puppy, and it took a long graduation before he composed his face, "Things have changed, Hoseok"

"I can see that, you motherfucking hetero"

What made Hoseok when more angry was when Yoongi started laughing. Like full out, eyes squinted, hugging torso cackling.
It was disturbing to the say the least.

"You did not just call me a hetero" He smirked, leaning dangerously close to Hoseok, "if I was a hetero, would I do this?"
Yoongi moved his tongue to trace the sharp edge of Hoseok's jaw.
"Or this?"
He took his earlobe in his mouth, tugging playfully with his teeth.
"Or this?"
He sucked gently on his Adam's apple.

"Y-yoongi, h-hajima" Hoseok whimpered,

"No" Yoongi unbuttoned a few of Hoseok's shirt buttons, dipping his head to nibble on his collarbone,

"You don't know who could be watching!" Hoseok exclaimed, yet, he wasn't doing anything to stop the elder,

Yoongi grinned against his skin, "Do I give a shit?"

Hoseok almost submitted to the mint haired man's soft lips and moist tongue... almost... but not quite...

"Yoongi... If  this is just you playing with me again-"

"Things have changed" Yoongi emphasised, pinching the boy beneath him's chin between  his finger and thumb, and he was about to kiss Hoseok's lips when the younger spoke again,

"You kiss me now, and that means things are serious between us. No more Yerin. No more one night stands. No more getting me beaten up by the entire school. No more of that shit. We go back to that morning where you discarded me like trash and redo the whole thing" Hoseok told, not blinking, his tone unwavering, "Don't kiss me and I'll forgive you for the amount of pain you have caused me, but we go back to how it was before we made that track: strangers"

For at least ten seconds, Yoongi didn't move, the gears in his brain being heard working.
Slowly and hesitantly, he backed off, standing up and offering a hand to help Hoseok up.

He guessed this was the latter option, feeling dejected and used, Hoseok stood up without the assistance of Yoongi.

But what Hoseok wasn't expecting was Yoongi gently gripping his waist and pulling him closer until they were chest to chest.
It was like the kiss you see in complicated and soppy dramas, the dominant character brushing his nose against the others in an eskimo kiss before carefully placing his mouth upon his love interest's.

This kiss was exactly like, if not better than, Hoseok's dreams.
The kiss wasn't sluggish for it poured out love instead of the passion he felt with the first kiss they shared.

In addition to this, Yoongi didn't go further than needed. There wasn't any groping, grinding, hickies or tongue, just delicate lips moving in harmony together.

Hoseok's head was dizzy and he ungracefully plopped onto the couch, dragging Yoongi down with him.
The elder chuckled and got comfortable, hugging the brunette closer.

"Are you still angry at me?" Yoongi kissed Hoseok's cheek,

"Just because you chose the first option which was obviously the more desirable option for me anyway, does not mean I can just forget about today's events" Hoseok pouted, childishly,

The mint haired apologetically pecked the adorable pout, "I'm sorry, baby, I was mainly angry at Chanwoo"

Hoseok's ears blurred everything else out when Yoongi called him baby for the rest of the sentence was unimportant.
Therefore, Hoseok shut the other guy up by kissing him.

The kiss would have lasted longer if it wasn't for the huge grins on both of their faces.

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