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Hoseok looked down at his feet, nerves spreading like a disease throughout his body. Everything about this whole situation was making him so stressed and apprehensive. 

'Trust me'

He snorted at the sardonic words, ringing about his mind like the man had just smirked them right next to him. For all Hoseok knew, Yoongi could have just uttered those traitorous words once more from his seat beside him for the umpteenth time again. The more the evil shortie said it, the more untrue the words became. 

Yoongi took out a cigarette, which Hoseok quickly slapped out of his pasty hands. 

"You shouldn't smoke, its bad for your health" He justified, 

"Do you think I give two shits?" Came the intelligent reply of Min Yoongi, "If you want to talk about health, you're talking to the wrong person, Hyena is the biggest chain-smoker you're gonna find" He chuckles when he sees Hoseok's disgusted reaction, "Although, better go to Lil Ch0i and KJ, those boys smoke 420" 

Jesus Christ. 

Hoseok was tired of this focaccia-ing shittake mushroom cracker-jack.

He wanted to go homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 

He wanted to curl up in his comfortable bed with a mug of hot chocolate and catch up on watching Rupaul's Drag Race before peacefully drifting off into a glitter filled slumber. Except, his current location was so far away from the place of his desires... cries...

Picking up the ciggie that was knocked out of his fingers, Yoongi lit the tubed cancer and took a drag before checking the time on his phone: 00:15am. 

They had been walking for ages, so now his legs were sore, and so was his brain; Hoseok had sounded like the pussy Yoongi had described him as, whining all along the walk. 

Now the boys were sitting on a small wall boarding a little patch of greenery, an energy drink between them and time ticking forwards. 

"We've got fifteen minutes before we have to high-tail it down to the subway" Yoongi announces.  

Ultimately, Yoongi was forcing Hoseok to participate in some rap battle thingy majiggy that was somewhere. 

A sigh escapes Hoseok's lips. 

He really didn't want to participate in this, it was definiteLY something Hoseok drew a line to. Also, his mother must be worrying about him... or assuming he's staying at Granny's, which why would he? It takes him about half an hour to get home from there, and he has to go to school tomorrow which is another fifteen minutes... This whole thing was just a complete inconvenience! 

Why did Yoongi have to do this to him?! 

Hoseok had hoped that by being in the Street Dogs weekly meet ups - not the night addition though because hahaha Hoseok was scared about what might happen, especially with the new information that some of the members smoke weed and stupid shit like that - Yoongi would warm up to him. This had been proven fairly well, since Yoongi didn't totally ignore his lame ass, but it attracted all the wrong people. 


Not necessarily. He's gotten along pretty well with the majority, except is prime goal was Yoongi, obviously, and the only real conversation he has had with him was the time they made that track, after the little rap battle on the first week of Hoseok becoming JHope, and now. Hoseok was making little progress with his hyung, but, like the saying 'you must learn to walk before you can run', little steps can equal to big results. 

"Why are you dragging me along to this? I'm a pussy, remember?" Hoseok exhaled, 

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Hoseok-ah, I see potential in you. So do the others. Except you keep chickening out of the night meetings, which is where you actually learn things. It's all well and good you hanging about us, learning a few measly tricks, but if you don't get out there, then what do you hope to achieve?" 

Annoyingly, Yoongi was right. 

Although, what Yoongi hoped to achieve by the end of the night was wayyy different to what Hoseok wanted to achieve. 

Yoongi stood up, "People like Dagger, RM, KJ, Youngsook, they don't believe you've got what it takes. Sure you have the equipment to be great, you're just not using it to build something great. I'm gonna help you, Hoseok-ah, and you're going to be grateful. I don't care for pussies, I don't care for people who are all talk and no action, you're either in or you're not, and frankly, now is too late to get out. I will launch you out of your comfort zone, I will catapult you out of there. I will break you and push you to your limits like entertainments do, because I know what you are capable of. And you're going to be grateful, you're going to listen and trust me. So stop being such a girl, pull up your jeans and lets go"

He was gobsmacked. The blonde haired man had practically growled those last words, chugging the last of the energy drink, chucking his ciggie into the road and began to saunter on ahead. 

Yoongi believes in me?! Hoseok thought, surprised at how forceful and sincere the words were. They were kind and encouraging words, just disguised as bitter and forceful ones. 

He was shocked, yet, happy at this prospect and idea. 

If by helping Hoseok, Yoongi was going to be spending time with him, then he better do as he says. 

Hoseok jumped up and jogged to the elder, a smile on his face, "Ya'know, if you had said that in the first place, I would have happily come along and showed you I am a bad bitch"

"Nope, just a pussy who knows his hyung is right" Yoongi laughed, lightly punching him in the arm.

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