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When your crush tells you to come with them in the most sexiest and deepest voice ever, what does that entail? 


Was Hoseok meant to be scared? 

Was he meant to be excited? 

Was he meant to give his ass a mental pep-talk? 

"Yoongi, my legs hurt" Hoseok whined, "Where are we going?" 

Yoongi chuckled, "I'm gonna make a man of you, by tomorrow, it won't be just your legs that will be hurting" 

Da fuq was that meant to mean!?

If that meant what Hoseok's lustful brain was thinking then he better start giving his ass that pep-talk. 

What did Taehyung say? Hoseok rattled his brain, Wait... no it was Jungkook... who's the top out of them? Don't they alternate? 

Even though Taehyung was 16 and Jungkook was 15, the boys were too crazy about each other not to keep their hands off one another. 

Oh yeah! It was the day that Jimin laughed, because he was straight and wouldn't have to feel the pain of anal penetration, Hoseok mentally clicked his fingers. 

Jungkook described the pain as a stinging stretch, and even after sex, you felt as if it was still up there. 

Hoseok was a virgin, he was 17 and still a virgin. It wasn't bad and it wasn't something that he was ashamed of. The fact is, Yoongi is older and, more than likely, has said goodbye to his v card long ago. Yoongi, like most of the other rappers in The Street Dogs, brag about their sexual experiences and capabilities; he said it himself that he could make anyone cum with just his tongue. 

A shiver rippled down his spine. 

Yoongi was still gripping Hoseok's wrist, his slender fingers pressing into his skin, surely going to leave an imprint or something. 

"What do you mean, hyung? Where are you taking me?" Hoseok wanted validation, what he was thinking could just be wishful-thinking, and somewhere in his pussy mind, wanted it to just be wishful thinking, he would hate to go into school tomorrow with a sore ass, 

"You have no experience, in this case, you're still a virgin" Yoongi replied, "How else do you think I got this amazing tongue? Why would I talk about my tongue technology if I didn't have any?" 





Hoseok was freaking out a little bit. 

And he had a right to. 

Sure, he had watched porn, so he was equipped with the 'book' knowledge of sexual intercourse, but asdfghjkl. 

This was not how Hoseok imagined he would spend his Thursday... or any day for that matter. 

It was scary and he was anxious, but at the same time, if what he was hearing and what his thoughts were suggesting, then this was going to be one hell of a time.

Falling Hard, Falling Straight - YoonSeokWhere stories live. Discover now