서른 셋

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It hurt Hoseok to see Yerin cry...
Although, he bet that it hurt Yoongi more since he was the one who soon got slapped.

For only a couple of days, the boys would pretend to hate each other, then they thought of an elaborate plan to out themselves as a couple.

It started with them arguing loudly in the corridor over something stupid, biting their lips to hide the grins, and once the crowd had gotten bigger, Yoongi grasped onto Hoseok's collar and pushed the man, not harshly so it would hurt but enough to create a large sound, against the locker, in which the two would stare at each other, again, both biting the inside of their cheeks to stop from laughing before Hoseok initiates a fiery kiss that left the crowd jaw-dropped.

Unfortunately, this act got Yoongi and Hoseok beaten up and called inhumane names, but it was worth it. They did a 'TaeKook' meaning that they shamelessly did couple things like hold hands or kiss without worrying about the consequences.

The most delicious thing was Dagger's expression when he saw Hoseok for the third week after the threat, especially when Hoseok flipped him off.

Everything was going so well, or as well as it could have been, for Hoseok, that it was almost surreal.

"Kiss me" Hoseok puckered his lips.

The boys were just lazing about in Yoongi's apartment, cuddling on the couch while scrolling through their twitter feed.

"First, answer a question for me" Yoongi smirked,

"If that means I get a kiss" the younger straddled the mint haired man, "Ask away"

"Do you love me?"

That specific word hadn't been mentioned before.
It held a lot of meaning and untold promises.
Saying this sentence at the wrong time, too early or too late, could jeopardise so much.
This was a make or break moment, fight or flight.

"Yes, hyung" Hoseok nodded, smiling, "Yes, I love you"

"Would you die for me?"

"Yes... And I would live for you"

Yoongi licked his lips, whispering sensually in Hoseok's ear, "Would you call me daddy?"

The brunette blushed, rolling that request over his tongue before breathing the word, grinding his hips lightly against the other's.

When Hoseok told them of that night's romantic endeavours, Jungkook frowned, finding the whole thing weird and confusing.

"There's nothing suspicious about it, Kooks" Hoseok reassured, "Yoongi just had a daddy kink... and  is a bit of a sadist"

"It seems much more than just that, Hoseok" the maknae bit his lip, "I don't trust him... I think you should be careful, hyung"

Hoseok shouldn't trust his boyfriend?!
What kind of bullshit is that?!

A/N: sorry that it is short, i can't think of a creative way to link the rest of the plot soooo yh
Hope you're enjoying it and stay tuned

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