서른 여섯

116 5 3

The bed dipped when a weight was applied, rustling of movement and soon the draft of air rushing into the warm cocoon of covers that comforted the waking boy.
An icy body slid up to Hoseok, seeking the warmth that the boy obtained, shivering but sighing contentedly.

Hoseok rolled over, his nose brushing Yoongi's, showing how much the elder had huddled next to him.
However it also presented Hoseok with the fact that Yoongi had got up and left for a seemingly lengthy amount of time; the man had stripped down to his boxers and vest while Hoseok remained in his birthday suit.

Yoongi's eyes were shut and he was breathing deeply, signifying that the teenager had indeed fallen asleep in a matter of seconds.

Hoseok looked over at the clock on the wall: 8:32am.
Thank God it was a Saturday or he would have been screwed.


This scared the living hell out of the boys, both, sleeping and not, jumping up in complete fright as Hoseok's ringtone blared.

"For fuck's sake" Yoongi exhaled.

Rolling off of the bed and tugging on some boxers, Hoseok waddled to retrieve his phone, returning to the bed soon after.

It was his mum!

"Hoseok-ah, where are you?" The concerned voice was laced with suspicion.

Yoongi, who had briefly gone back to dozing, snapped opened his eyes and made eye contact with the younger.

"At a friend's... I thought Jiwoo told you(?)" He frowned, chuckling quietly when Yoongi dramatically clutched his heart, resting the other on his forehead like a damsel in distress,

"She also told me that this friend could possibly be a girl you're seeing"

Hoseok almost dropped his phone in utter shock.

Of course his evil older sister would tell his mother such a presumptuous thing.

"Girlfriend?! What?! That's ridiculous!" Hoseok squeaked,

"Hoseok, dear, I'm happy that you're putting yourself out there, and I trust you to find a good daughter in law and have some beautiful grandchildren for me, but you're still so young, so I ask of you to be careful, some girls only want to play the game and we can't have any little accidents" His mother calmly said, Hoseok practically feeling the smirk upon her lips, "But when you do find the one, I would definitely like to meet her... until them, be safe"

He physically couldn't say anything. Hoseok's jaw had dropped and his eyebrows were raised so far up that they could almost reach his hair line.

His mum hung up soon after bidding him a farewell and to not neglect his homework because of a 'girl'.

Yoongi was greatly amused by the whole situation, leaning up and pressing an open mouthed kiss to the top of the other male's spine, "A girl wouldn't be able to make you feel as good as I do" He ran his hands up and down Hoseok's revealed torso, "A girl wouldn't be able to fuck you as good as I do"

The brunette exhaled shakily, enjoying the feeling of the mint-haired man's lips upon his skin.

"Does your mum know you're gay?" Yoongi inquired,

Hoseok laughed, "She would kill me if she knew"

The elder laid back down, pulling Hoseok with him, so the two were cuddling comfortably... or as comfortably as Hoseok's sore lower back would take without shooting immense pain up his spine.

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