스물 하나

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Taehyung pecked Jungkook's check and that was enough for Hoseok to blurt out about Yoongi The Man-Whore.

Three cups of expresso and a mars bar later, all hint of fatigue from the previous night of dancing and rapping along side Yoongi had gone and instead, Hoseok was wide awake and aware.

"Maybe he's afraid of getting hurt" Jimin reasoned.

Originally, Hoseok had perhaps hoped that Yoongi was maybe a smidgen gay and his hiding was banging random girls, however, Hoseok knew better than to think foolish thoughts such as that.

"At least you don't have any set rival" Jungkook tried,

"Yeahhh except the whole of the female sex" Hoseok grumbled.

School was the same as ever.
Drama from girls clashing with other girls or a fight in the patio, humdrum lessons, and so on and so forth.

Hoseok didn't feel like being sociable today, going through the day robotically.
Jimin did inquire if the individual was okay, in which the reply was 'tired', which did make sense since almost every night he was out with Yoongi.

Hoseok hung around the dance studio, practising routines and some band dances as well.
That is until he heard a beautiful tune, luring him in to the music rooms to find his ice prince doing amazing things with his fingers.

The piano sung the notes played, but it came from the heart and soul of the pianist.

"I didn't know you could play" Hoseok breathed,

Yoongi looked up, a smug smile on his face, "I still have many surprises up my sleeve, Hoseok-ah"

"I'm glad"

Hoseok perched on a table adjacent to the gorgeous man and the piano.
All that Yoongi played was sweet and soulful, making all what he said yesterday, contradict and disappear.

"Do you wanna have a go?"

Hoseok opened his eyes and focused on the male, shifting to the far end of the little bench to make room for the slightly taller.

Precariously, Hoseok sat next to the elder, their thighs brushing and his face warming up. He squinted at the black markings upon the sheet and attempted to play them.
His attempts were pretty bad, until Yoongi metaphorically stepped in and tried to teach him.
Yoongi had amazing patience when it came to Hoseok, a really admirable thing, in Hoseok's opinion.

"C'mere" Yoongi placed his hands over Hoseok's, dominating their movement and sliding them across the ivory.


He tried his best not to look at the male as they played a basic piece that didn't completely sound like trash, thanks to Yoongi's interference.

"Not too bad" His hot breath tickled Hoseok's ear,

"Well, I'm not really an instruments person" Hoseok quickly stood up, to distance the pair,

Yoongi chuckled, "Only when it comes to your mouth"

"Yeah, I'm really good with my mouth"

The look on Yoongi's face sent both boys into fits of juvenile giggles, the innuendo affecting them like if they were pre-teens.

"I bet you are, Hoseok, I bet you are" Yoongi laughed causing the younger to go beetroot red and laugh nervously, but harder too.

Falling Hard, Falling Straight - YoonSeokWhere stories live. Discover now