스물 아홉

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He wasn't scared.
He wasn't scared.
He wasn't scared.

Hoseok was so scared that the dude was practically pissing himself!

If it wasn't for the fact that Chunja, Jimin and Tae were waiting for him at the end of his road and he could physically see them see him, he would have bolted it the opposite way to freaking Busan.

He would be seeing the two people he had put on a list titled: Doesn't want to see in the next 72(000000000) hours.
His dream about Dagger hacking him to death might just come true, and just because he was feeling whimsical.

"Yo, ma brudder" Taehyung hugged him, "So I hear we boutta throw down"

"Yeah no" Hoseok shook his head, "I don't want my throat slit just yet, thank you"

Hoseok told Namjoon that he would be joining BigHit after his graduation, to Namjoon and Seokjin's delight.
Then Dagger and Youngsook showed up, and upon seeing the brunette, jaws were clenched.

"Hoseok, hey" The words came out as venom from Youngsook,

"Hi" He was surprised at how calm he sounded, but that quickly went when Yoongi appeared.

The man was dressed in a get up that looked half from Seventeen's Very Nice and half from EXO's Call Me Maybe, it complemented his mintness.

Immediately, Hoseok jumped behind Taehyung in the hope that Yoongi wouldn't see him...


Drat! He had been spotted!

And like the coward he was, he pretended to get a call.

"Hello?" He faked, looking at Yoongi who stopped dead before him, "No, I'm not busy... Really?! Okay cool, see you in a few"

"Hyung?" Jimin frowned,

"Sorry, gotta dash, I'm seeing a friend" And with that, Hoseok sprinted.

The amount of times this boy has literally ran away from his problems~
He should write a song and call it run because he keeps dasi run run running.

He didn't know where he was heading to until he realised he was making the long journey to his grandma's, ans he didn't stop until he reached it.

Missed Calls:
Min Yoongi💓🍆💌🔥 (2)
Chim💪 (4)
JaJa noona💄 (2)

He was definitely not going to pick up to Yoongi, there was a chance that it was Yoongi calling on Chunja's phone, Taehyung would be too loud for them to have a private conversation and Jimin would make Hoseok sound and feel even more stupid, soooooo.

In conclusion, Hoseok spent nearly the whole day with his grandma, which seemed like a great idea until it grew dark, and Hoseok begged his sister to pick him up. The last time he walked in the dark, alone from his grandma's, the boy was intercepted and forced to participate in what some might suggest as the best thing that's happened to Hoseok... he didn't want it to happen again.

Naturally, it was weird as hell going into school and seeing two of the three people you had ran away from.

Trying to play it off cool was much harder than it looked, and in the end, Hoseok got slapped on the arms a dozen and two times.

Then it happened...
It was lunch and from across the canteen the two teenage boys' eyes met, it was a cold, hard glare from the ice prince counteracted by a pitiful, sad plea by the ray of sunshine.

The agony felt like it lasted a life time until the mint haired male directed a girl in their year's head towards his and proceeded to shove his tongue down her willing throat.

It was painful seeing another victim grip onto Yoongi's school shirt so hard and desperately that her knuckles went white.

When they parted, Yoongi shot Hoseok a nasty look before getting up and leaving, the girl trailing after him like a lost puppy.

This action infuriated Hoseok so entirely that he had lost his appetite and promptly threw the uneaten snacks in the bin.

After school, Chunja met up with Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook before the five went to a Hoseok's.
She informed Hoseok that Yoongi was pissed at him, not anything new, and Dagger has been fairly normal, no scheming or anything, which was a lot scarier to Hoseok than if he was planning something... there is always silence before the abrupt eruption of a volcano.

One and a half weeks later, the volcano erupted...

Falling Hard, Falling Straight - YoonSeokWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt