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The group cheered loudly, Yoongi getting a lot of attention thanks to the win he had achieved. 

Hoseok was disappointed in himself, and he turned towards his friends, head bowed and shoulders hunched in defeat. 

"Even though, you lost, I am so proud of you, Hobi" Jimin fist bumped his friend, 

"Can we go now?" Jungkook squeaked, looking at his boyfriend pleadingly. 

As they started to shuffle along and out of that area, Yoongi called out to them. 


Aforementioned man's heart skipped several beats, his crush just called his name! How could he not freeze in complete shock? 

"Where do you think you're going?" The beat-boxing girl had an usually deep voice, possibly a cause of the amount of bass she does.

All Hoseok could do was point to the way he was going. 

So many negative thoughts flooded his mind. Were they going to beat him up? What were they going to do?! 

You could see that Namjoon was reluctant to say whatever he was going to say. 

"Yo, you're gonna need a bomb-ass name" Fake blonde threw his arm down, "To fit that bomb-ass style you got there, dude. You can't be called anything sissy-like, you're too sick and manly for that shit" 


Were they insinuating that they want him apart of their group?! Really?! 

"What's going on?" Jungkook frowned, 

Young-sook smiled bitterly, "Sweetie, offers don't come like this often, but you better be nice to me after what you said" 



They thought he was good enough to be recruited into their squad! 

Hoseok knew that if he didn't say anything, Taehyung would and that was dangerous and forbidden territory. 

"S-S-sure" he stuttered, before looking to his friends, "Can they stay too?" 

He sounded so pathetic, but oh well. 

Jungkook gave a look which literally screamed 'uncomfortable' and cried 'anti-social problems'. 

The beat-boxerette looked pointedly at Hoseok's friends, her eyes resting upon Jungkook. Taehyung saw that this deep voiced girl was looking at his boyfriend far too long, so he wrapped a possessive arm around Jungkook's waist, pecking his on the cheek and jerking an eyebrow at the disgusted girl. 

"That's cool" Seokjin said for Namjoon. 

Hoseok found out that the squad were underground rappers, dancers and such. Some of them were trainees at entertainments whilst others weren't, obviously.

Altogether, and excluding the four boys, there were sixteen of them, six girls and the rest guys. The girls were either really cool or girlfriends of the rappers.

The squad was called Street Dogs and the 'captain' was Namjoon with Yoongi being his 'first mate'. 

Hoseok apologised to Young-sook for calling her a bull and the other insults he said in his rap. This girl was bipolar, because she went from being really angry and pissed about it, to ruffling his hair and being a really sweet girl, confusing the hell out of him. 

At the end of the day, sunset, was when the group would slip away to eat and rest before midnight where they would regroup again. 

Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook told the Street Dogs that they weren't going to join them at midnight because of just reasons that they made up, as in actual fact they were going to study for an exam they had on Monday. 


Hoseok bet that Yoongi had no idea how much him just saying his name effected Hoseok. How many times must his heart flip and stomach clench?

Hoseok turned around while the rest of his friends were making it back to Jimin's house. 

"I didn't expect you to be that good" The older smiled, "You surprised me and not many people do that... well done" 

"Don't underestimate me next time then" Hoseok laughed, 

"I sure won't" Yoongi held out his hand and Hoseok took it with a smile, Yoongi giving him a one armed hug and pat on the back. 

Even thirty minutes after that contact, in Jimin's living room, munching on pizza, Hoseok's body was tingling from where Yoongi had hugged him.

It was pathetic, and he felt like such a highschool school-girl, but Hoseok was so happy that he had achieved his goal and upon that, his crush had hugged and complimented him. 

This day was definitely the best day ever.

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