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"You're a bit of a pussy" 

Hoseok whipped around. 

The boy was on his way home from visiting his grandma in the late hours of the day. 

For the past fifteen minutes, Hoseok had been peacefully, yet still slightly anxiously, walking in the dimly lit street lights, completely unnoticed... until now it seems. 

"Yoongi?!" The younger squinted, his eyes slowly adjusting to the figure behind him, 

"The one and only" The blonde stepped into the rays of the streetlamp. 

When the joy of his crush being near him had gone, Hoseok was sceptical. 

What was Yoongi doing out at 11:30 on a Thursday night? 

"Do you live round here?" He frowned, 


Naturally, Hoseok was confused and sceptical. Any normal person would immediately have the strangest of thoughts pop up into their head, like was Yoongi following him? What was Yoongi doing here? Was Yoongi gonna hurt him? 

Also... Yoongi just called Hoseok a pussy! The dickhead! "I am not a pussy" 

The older chuckled, "Yes you are" 

Hoseok demanded a reason. 

How could he be a pussy when MIN YOONGI is talking to him and standing two feet away from him?! 

However, Yoongi's reason was plausible and mostly correct. 

The face that people do when they don't want to admit when someone it right because what they're being accused of is shameful to that person. Yeah, everyone knows that face. Well, that expression currently occupied Hoseok's face. 

The more advanced rapper smirked in victory and in the darkness, Hoseok could see him light what would seem to be a cigarette. 

Hoseok didn't like the smell of cigarettes, would never let one touch his lips, and was generally repulsed by them. 

Yoongi smoked?!

Did that change Hoseok's opinion of him? Nope. Was it going to change how much Hoseok liked him? Nope. 

He must have been staring, because Yoongi cheekily blew the smoke into his face, making poor Hoseok cough and splutter. 

"Come with me" Yoongi huskily said, grabbing Hoseok wrists and yanking him the opposite way.

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