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Unfortunately, the rain decided to unleash itself down upon the boys, it was so fierce that Hoseok was worried that his skin and clothes would erode. 

The two sprinted through the shower, Hoseok following Yoongi, as they made their way back to his place. 

Yoongi's place was a nice flat, not far from the subway station and with all the convenience stores a block or two away. It wasn't too grand, but it wasn't shabby either. 

Looking over to the man, Hoseok's breath was knocked out of his lungs. Yoongi was standing their shirtless, his wet hair splayed across his forehead, droplets of water landing and running down his toned chest. Such a sight increased the saliva production in Hoseok's mouth and it took all his will power to look away. 

"You live alone?" Hoseok had trouble pulling off his soaked jumper.

"Yep, all by myself" Yoongi smirked when he saw Hoseok blush, once that male saw the blonde's pale fingers curl under his jumper's hem, Yoongi slowly pulled the hoodie up and over the brunette's head. 

In Hoseok's imaginative minds, this was suggestive and practically had his creative brain creating scenarios. 

While Yoongi laid the jumpers and t-shirts on the radiator, Hoseok saw that upon the wall by the window there were many framed pictures. 

There was a black and white print of a beautiful woman being held by an equally attractive male. It just screamed happiness and the pure love in the couple's eyes created a small smile on Hoseok's face.

Another was of two young boys, both wearing basketball get ups with the taller boy holding a basketball in one arm, the other wrapped around the smaller's shoulders. 

Adjacent to that was an adorable photo of a fluffy liver-coloured dog, a teddy bear under its resting head. 

The two boys, except older, sitting on a bench along side a girl, all three doing their best, but failing, at aegyo. 

The pictures looked very personal and meaningful, Hoseok being affected by the deep emotions of each. 

Yoongi coughed, and Hoseok turned around, seeing the teenager beside him, a beer bottle occupying his right hand. 

"Are these people your family?" Hoseok saw a second picture bearing the face of an older woman, 

The blonde just nodded, "My mother... father... older brother... little sister... my grandma... dog... pictures I found" 

Hoseok noticed that the house was completely quiet except for the breathing of the both of them, "Where are they now?" 

Yoongi took a swig of the beer, his silence being an answer.

"I'm so sorry" Hoseok bowed his head.

Bravely, Yoongi told Hoseok what had happened to them... 

It started with his grandmother dying suddenly when Yoongi was eleven, and then his father and mother got into a dreadful car accident as a result from the shock of his mother's passing... they didn't survive it... after that, his brother, eighteen at the time, sister and himself moved to Seoul for a better life, but about two years later, his brother got jumped and was stabbed to death. And apparently, about two years ago, he found his sister hanging from a noose on the balcony, a suicide letter left on her pillow. 

Hoseok was shocked to his core. 

All the pictures shown on the wall portrayed all the Mins as such happy and lively people... they probably were at one time. At least now they are somewhere without pain and suffering, somewhere better. 

"I'm honoured that you've told me this, Yoongi hyung" Hoseok looked honestly at the other, 

Yoongi half-heartedly smiles, putting a hand upon the younger's shoulder, "Come on, everything's starting to get soppy" he laughed, "We better get some sleep, it's been a long night" The blonde haired man finished his beer before heading into his bedroom, "I'll make up a bed for you"

Originally, Hoseok thought that Yoongi just chose to be distant from everyone else, that he chose to be like this, never had he thought that the man would be plagued by these sort of things... living alone and actually being alone. 

With this thought, Hoseok realised that behind the facade Yoongi put on and Hoseok had come to be attracted to, this human side of him made him fall in love with the man even more, wishing to be there for him so that he wasn't alone anymore and would feel loved. 

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