스물 넷

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"Who will be going on to face GoldenDragon in the final round? Suga vs JHope!" The mc hyped up the audience.

Yoongi sauntered on stage, girls screaming and going crazy as their hormones went out of control upon seeing the sex god.

Hoseok, a lot more confident than he had been in the beginning, especially after completely destroying Dagger, strolled up to face his mentor, a grin planted on his face.

Yoongi had told him about the legendary Golden Dragon and now if he beat Yoongi, he might have a chance.

"If that pussy wins, I swear to god, that'll be the end of him"
He had heard Dagger say that to Youngsook this morning over breakfast.

The bad-tempered man was practically seething after his devastating loss, a worried look speaking to Hoseok from both Chunja and Jimin, begging him to back down a little bit.

"Suga, first. Ready?! ONE! TWO! THREE!"

Hoseok could listen to Yoongi's fast tongue any day. The carefully crafted and constructed words creating a masterpiece of emotions and skills, being just beautiful to those who understand the meaning of rap.

When it was Hoseok's turn, Hoseok did what Hoseok did best, his secret weapon that threw his competitors off: the element of surprise.
This was basically a combination of all of Hoseok's skills all mashed into 90 seconds.

Yoongi grinned and even started to jam along, pride flashing in his eyes as his student practically showed him up.

The blonde's response was even more powerful, pushing Hoseok backwards with the ferocity of the attack, all the while, Yoongi's eyes sparkling with pure passion and exhilaration.

'Hoseok-ah' Chunja mouthed to him as he took the mic off of his hyung. He could near enough 'hear' the warning tone in her voice.

It didn't stop him though.
Hoseok still threw down, uncaring of the possible consequences, only focused on the present and winning this thing.

"Here" Yoongi took off his chain pendant, "This was my mother's, it is my lucky charm... You go out there and fuck them up" Yoongi's cheek grazed Hoseok's as he clipped on the necklace, "Do me proud, dongsaeng"

Golden Dragon was a world champion, the best of the best and most well known Korean American rapper out there.
He was 6ft 5 with muscles the size of Hoseok's head, piercings upon him along side the bright colours of tattoos.

"Go JHope!" Jimin and Chunja cheered...

Wait! Were they holding hands?!
But Hoseok distinctly remember Chunja dissing the hell out of Jimin... what had the two been up to in their hotel room these past two days.

Golden Dragon was definitely intimidating and obviously a champ for a reason, spitting flames as if he was an actual dragon.

How was Jung Hoseok ever going to beat him?!

He was too inexperienced to be put up against this incredible superhuman!

Hoseok then saw Yoongi's face...  the man screamed confidence, and that's when Hoseok remembered his motivation for this whole thing.

With Yoongi's lucky charm pressed against his chest, Hoseok delivered his all and more, getting more and more intense with each syllable.
It was a fantastic feeling, looking at Yoongi's smug face, Chunja's beaming one and Jimin's complete awed one, thinking that no matter what happened, to the these people, he had already won.

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