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Hoseok awoke in what looked to be the school nurse's room. 

The wallpaper on the walls was an off white, moulding and creating the crusty edges that were peeling off at the edges. The whole place smelt strongly of disinfectant and bleach, which only emphasised the lingering smell of dampness and sickness.
Beneath the boy was a bed of a metal frame, consisting of a hard mattress with a thin sheet to cover the teenager and a thin pillow to rest his head.

The nurse's room was an unused classroom that was halfheartedly converted into a student service, holding three beds and a large cabinet adjacent to a desk of a rather large and ancient woman.
Mrs Im Jiyeon wasn't the most approachable woman in the school, glaring at you from over her half moon spectacles.

By his side was his loyal friend Jimin, sitting uncomfortably on a wooden visitor chair.

"Hyung!" He gasped, lips curling back in a smile, "How do you feel?"


The truth was that everything hurt, from the physical injuries sustained to the emotional throb in his head.
All he could picture was Yoongi's face, twisted in a sinister grin as he stood on him. The image burned beneath his eyelids, pulling at his heart strings ruthlessly.

"Chunja didn't pick up... I'm worried about her, hyung..."

Upon the worry Hoseok had for his friend, he had suspicion.
This wasn't like Chunja, she would never ignore anyone, friend or enemy, it just wasn't in her persona.

Then again, he had just had his judgement brutally knocked, so he didn't know who he could trust.

"Call Bora or Aeyae" The brunette said.
His voice was scratchy and dry, therefore he reached over and chugged down half a jug of water.

The orange teenager dialled their friends, hoping to get through to a person he very much loved.

Five minutes later, there was a result...

"H-Hoseok" Jimin's dark eyes flicked up to his, "Chunja is in hospital... Sh-she t-took a p-pill overdose..."

This knocked all the air out of Hoseok, so much so that it took all his will power not to pass out.

"What else did Aejung say?" Hoseok urged,

"Only that she was admitted to hospital this morning" The younger sniffed, "W-what if she dies, hyung?! I want to marry this girl in the future, she can't die"

Hoseok was still trying to figure out the reason why noona would have done such a thing. She was too cautious to do it accidentally, despite her adorable clumsiness...

Jumping up, Hoseok pulled on his shoes and raced ahead of the other boy.
He had to find Yoongi, if there was anyone closer to Chunja than himself or the two girls, it would be Min Yoongi.

The red lights flashed in his head and alarm bells rung warningly as he went to find his 'boyfriend'.
Every part of Hoseok hurt, each limb screaming for him to halt before another battering would take place. However he pressed on, whatever was happening between him and Yoongi could wait, he needed to find out about Chunja, he was far closer to her than him.

A lump formed in the throat of Jung Hoseok once he had caught sight of the fading mint haired man.

Even with Jimin's panting cries to attempt to stop the determined elder, Hoseok didn't stop until he came face to face with his target.

"W-what do you want, H-hoseok-ah?" The fake anxiousness in Yoongi's words was complete bullshit, angering the brunette,

As calmly as he could, he posed his question, "What happened to noona?"

A group slithered their way next to Yoongi, arms pulling Hoseok away from the teenager.

"Leave Yoongi alone" A 'popular' snarled at the younger, "You've hurt him enough, you fucking fairy"

Aforementioned man just stood there, frozen in time almost, Hoseok's words slowly seeping through his thick skull and entering the so called 'genius' mind of his.
His silence only proved to Hoseok and the cowering best friend that there was more to the situation than meets the eye.

"Just go" Yerin stamped her foot, "Yoongi oppa is done with you"

"Yoongi, say something" Hoseok crossed his arms, "Say something now"

Like a codfish, the elder opened his mouth several times before closing it hastily.

Hoseok didn't have time for this, Chunja could be on death's door for whatever reason, so time was very limited.

"She's..." he began but stopped, looking up at Hoseok with a sardonic glint in his dark irises, "Why have you come here, Hoseok?! Was hearing me beg not enough for you?!" suddenly, Yoongi advanced, his lips twisted into a horrific grin, "was watching me cry not enough for you?!"

What the fiddly-diddly-doo-dah was going on?!

This was the facade again. The mask to make Yoongi reputation go back to its original height and equal to Hoseok getting harshly and hatefully harassed and harmed.

He closed his eyes, counting to ten before exhaling, in an attempt to control himself, gather up his thoughts in a civilised and well thought out process.

"Just tell me what happened to Chunja" Hoseok slowly annunciated.

Yoongi and Hoseok were chest to chest, neither flinching.

The elder grasped a handful of the brunette's hair, yanking his neck up then to kick his legs out from under him, leaving Hoseok hanging painfully by his hair, soon to be thrown onto the gravel like trash.

"She's preggers with that carrot's kid, alright?!" He hissed, "so you and you're cock sucking mates can fuck off, you lot have done enough damage"

Glancing over to the so called carrot, Hoseok saw his friend's face flicker with so many different emotions.

"Chunja tried to kill herself because of me?!" The almost seventeen year old whispered.

Hoseok couldn't even imagine how the younger must be feeling. Not ten minutes ago had the boy confessed his desire to marry his older girlfriend, to now here that due to him and his sperm, she had  attempted suicide.

"She could go to prison, Park" Yoongi snarled, "she has no one but her godmother and this particular woman is very old fashioned, so you can guess what that entails. You're a fucking idiot if you for once thought she could be serious about you, you're just a naive boy"

Hoseok had had enough of Min Yoongi.
Jimin's eyes were shining with tears, his full bottom lip puckered out and wobbled slightly. He looked like he was in so much emotional distress, and Hoseok couldn't stand there while his friend was verbally attacked by the biggest prick in the world.

Hoseok launched himself at the mint haired man, throwing an awesome sucker punch across his cheek, able to get in another quick strike before Yoongi's posse flung themselves to protect their own and inflicted more damage upon Hoseok.

At the end of this grilling day, Jimin rushed off to the hospital while Hoseok trudged home.
This day opened the boy's eyes a bit wider than they had been.
All those he thought he knew, he had thought wrong of.

The sigh of relief that passed from Hoseok's lips as he entered his house was premature... he had just stepped inside another slice of hell without even realising it.

A/N: sorry for the wait, creativity takes time and time i do not have :') anyway, to Rainasia12 -my only fan :'') - i apologise now for the heartaches for Hoseokie and don't kill me, the ending is drawing near

Falling Hard, Falling Straight - YoonSeokजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें