Chapter 35 - TMNT

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I unlocked the door to my apartment and sighed in relief of being home. Jack ran right past me, nearly knocking me over to get into the living room and turn on the tv.

Friday night meant a new episode of his favorite show; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It meant that for about thirty minutes, I'd be able to sit down and relax a little bit before making dinner, bathing him, and getting him to bed.

Sometimes, on nights when I came home dead tired, I wished that I had someone around to help me. Someone to help cook dinner, or chase Jack down when he was running around the apartment naked in order to avoid a bath, or wrap him up in his blankets so he couldn't get out of bed when I tucked him in.

I loved Jack with all my heart, but having a boy was a handful. Little boys are naturally destructive and mischievieous. Jack was no different in that sense. Most of the time, he was very well behaved, and he was very smart for a boy his age, but that didn't stop his little monster from coming out sometimes. His temper tantrums were torture, and I only wished that I had someone around to help me.

It was one of those days when I came home looking like a zombie, and I drug myself to my room and collapsed into my bed face first.

I could have fallen asleep right there. I was absolutely exhausted. Every muscle in my body was screaming, and I definitely needed a good massage.

I rested my face down on my bed, letting my cheek sink into the mattress, secretly hoping that it would swallow me up. The day had been rough, to say the least. I'd take work over Zayn any day. I'd spent all of twenty minutes with him, and he had me feeling like I hadn't slept in days.

I closed my eyes and listened to the tv blaring the theme song to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was a sound that grinded against my ears, and I was sick of it after hearing it so many times, but this time was different.

I propped my head up as I heard a different voice singing the song. The little voice was doing it's best to pronounce all the words correctly, and it kept perfect tempo and kept on key with the music.

I lifted my aching body up from my bed, and shuffled out to the living room where I saw Jack sitting right in front of the tv, swaying along to the music and holding his TMNT action figures in his hands. His little voice unknowingly serenaded me from a distance.

I leaned against the doorframe, watching my son as he sang his little heart out. I bit down on my index finger and I couldn't hold back the massive smile that was forming on my face. His voice was beautiful, and it wasn't just because I'm his mother. It really was beautiful. I walked over to where he sat and joined him on the living room floor.

"Hey baby." I said as I pulled him into my side.

"Hi mama." He said robotically with his eyes glued to the tv screen.

"I didn't know you liked to sing." I told him as I picked him up and sat him on my lap.

"I like it." He mumbled.

"Did you know that your daddy sings?" I don't know what possessed me to bring Zayn up. I don't think I'd ever seriously talked to Jack about his father, but lately, I wanted to tell him a little bit about who his father was.

At this, he snapped his head back against my stomach, and looked up me with a sparkle in his eyes and a smile on his face.

"My daddy sings?" He asked excitedly.

"He does. He likes to sing just like you." I ran my fingers through his hair and leaned down to kiss his dark brown locks.

"I wish I could sing with him." He said with a sorrowful tone.

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