tadds love help

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Marcos POV

'Hello and welcome to tadds love help how may I assist you ?'

'Tad ?'


'No it's Marco.'

'Oh Marco , cool , so what do you want ?'

'Love help , duh.'

'Oh , Um well Give Jackie some flowers.'

'That is not what I meant . I meant that I'm not sure how I feel towords a friend , I mean I have Jackie who I love and have loved since I was like 3 But now there is a new person who won't leave my mind.'

'Wow that's a big problem.'

'I know.'

'Well who is it ? Is it star?'

'What no I mean it no she is my best friend !'

I lied if u couldn't tell

'Oh then who?'

'This girl name stear'

'Stear ? Ok. well you should just talk to her . you should get to know her more , find stuff out that she wouldn't tell anyone who wasn't her best friend like her past or something . if she opens up to you , you can learn more and maybe you and her will click or not.'

'wow thank you tad . i can't believe you can't get a girlfriend'

'well me and kelly will probe get back next week , i gtg bye.'


i hung up the phone and slouched onto my bed . to pictures were on my desk top, one of me and star hugging and the other of me and jackie kissing on prom night. is this healthy? i mean to think about another girl why you are in a relationship? ok marco just breath its just your feelings not your health WAIT WHAT IF THIS IS AFFECTION MY MENTAL HEALTH . ok I'm over thinking this.

stars POV :

'star just text him saying that marco isn't your boyfriend.'

'no kelly its too late.'

i buerried my face into my pillow

'oh star stop being over drematic- OMFG TAD WANTS TO GET BACK WITH ME!'

pony head berried her face next to me. after hours of doing shit that is only done on mewni , they left . i was alone in my bedroom . i didn't really like it . I've been camping on my own and i usually sleep on my own but i just felt really weird. so being me , i narwal blast a narwal to sleep with , believe it or not they are so dam fluffy.

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