29: Lifeline

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(3rd Person)

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(3rd Person)

Pierce takes a few steps out of the prison's endless chain link fence, only to wind up vomiting in the dark alley across the street. His emotions were getting the best of him.

Heartbreak, heartache, and guilt were the only sensations his body allowed him to feel at the moment causing waves of depression, anxiety, and nausea to send him doubling over in pain.

He squeezes his eyes shut and waits for the world to stop spinning before standing up straight. Wiping the corner of his lip with the tip of his thumb and pulling up the hood of his sweatshirt. As he takes a few steps out of the alley, he looks out to see the Charles Grayson Memorial Bridge smacking him in the face with the blatantly honest truth. It was named after his great grandfather who had died of a broken heart a year before he was born.

"How fitting," He mutters under his breath as he takes his first shaky steps onto the bridge. The bridge had turned a light shade of oxidized green over time, but in the darkness with only electric lamps overhead, he makes his way to the middle of the bridge.

Pierce reaches out his hand to touch the light gray iron which had since replaced the crunched up oxidized steel that had mangled and snapped in half when he drove his car off this same bridge five years ago.

He closes his eyes while holding the cold steel railing with both hands. Feeling the wind from the ocean before him, flow through his dark brown hair. His gray eyes illuminated in the light, because of the tears that had formed small pools on his lower eyelids. At the slightest blink, the first tear falls to join the sea below him. A beautiful ocean which held so many sweet memories now contaminated with sadness

The first thoughts consume his mind as he lets these feelings flow out of his broken soul.

His first goodbye would go to Taehyung.

Pierce smiles at the thought of his giggling happy little boy, who would lead a happier life if his accident prone, heartbroken father wasn't around. Peter would take care of him and he would far better off. He probably wouldn't remember much of the disappointing man he got stuck with for a father. A man who his son pleaded out to for help during the first two years of his life but didn't know he existed. Pierce had let his son suffer for so long and he would take that guilt to his watery grave. I'm sure Peter would talk up Pierce to Tae like he was some fantastic guy so Tae would never know the truth.

His little Tae Tae would be happier without him.

He ruined Luccia's life.

He stole her innocence and wiped out her soul in the mistake of a one night stand that he would never be able to remember, yet never live long enough to forget.

How did she fall so far at his touch? How did he let her get to this point? Their child would have a mother who would never recognize them as a human being. One who would forget their existence as soon as they were born. A motherless child who would be abandoned as soon as they were born. An orphan left to society, to bend to the will of those around them. A useless mother and a dead father. I can only hope they'll find their brother some day.

But the life of an orphan to be adopted into another loving family was still better than a life touched by Pierce.

Mika was the love of his life.

He loved his sweetheart unconditionally in every meaning of the word. But he had done the unforgivable and here they were. On the verge of breaking up, tossing him back into these hidden shadows of loneliness where he would be left to rot for the rest of his earthly existence. He knew all along that Mika was too good for him but ruined him anyway. He knew he would fuck up in some disgusting way and here he was. With the addition of Luccia's baby, he had broken Mika's heart in permanent ways that couldn't be fixed.

If he decided to keep living past this day, he would be unable to love again for all the love he had to give had been used by all those who came before them.

Each one stealing a small piece of his heart and never giving it back.


At the thought of his name, Pierce doubles over the railing. Fearing he was going to throw up again.

He has slept with his best friend's wife. He had broken his heart. His imprisonment was to protect Pierce from a dangerous woman he didn't even know personally. How could Ali still love him after everything he did? As the guy who did so much shit to him, he deserved none of Alejandro's kindness or his actions which always spoke louder than his words.

Pierce looks up with the tears falling from his eyes and the crescent moon looked back. It's light reflecting off the calm waters below.

The moon has a fate that is spelled out in the infinity of multicolored stars above.

So why couldn't Pierce see his?

Where was his life going?

What was he really here for?

Was life really worth living?

He lets out a shaky breath and thinks of his sweet little Taehyung. The thought of never seeing his gentle face or hearing his high pitch voice shook Pierce to his very core. Not seeing him grow up, not being able to watch him grow up. Peter could cover a lot of bases but talking to your uncle was nothing like talking to your father.

Taehyung needs his father...whether Pierce liked it or not.

He needed to make sure Tae became a better man than Pierce ever was

And with that thought,

Pierce Grayson pulls away from the railing and makes his way back home.

**** friendly Author here
If you are having suicidal thoughts
, please. Please.please
Find someone to talk to and get help.

The national suicide hotline in the USA is

In the UK it is

0800 068 4141

I do not add suicidal attempts to my books just to add a plot twist. I do so because I draw from life experiences and I have attempted suicide. But I am glad I received the help I did when I did. I come from a place below the poverty line where I was often looked down upon and told I wouldn't go anywhere in life. I was also abused.

But now I live in New York, I'm studying abroad in central London, and traveling across Europe.

There is so much to live for and you never know how your life is going to turn out unless YOU live it.

And if you think no one will ever love you



- R.K.R-

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