47. A Brief Moment In Time

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I groan as Alejandro turns the key to my motorcycle and I tiredly rub my eyes. It was about eight am but we had spent the entire night hammering out an emergency deal with our partners in Paris and Egypt at the same time. Everything runs late when time zones are involved and we needed to get it done before our much-needed surprise vacation that is supposed to start later this afternoon.

"Come on, let me drive for once. Unlike you, I had a nap around five so I feel pretty good. If you drive, we're going to cause vehicular homicide." He says and I roll my eyes,

"You just want me to hold onto you, don't you?" I yawn as I get onto the back and wrap my arms around him.

"Maybe that too," He winks as he pushes up the kickstand and I rest the chin of my helmet on his shoulder while we start to ride off into the sunrise. The wind blowing fresh air into my lungs after over twenty-four hours in that stuffy conference room.

I lean back but he goes faster so I'm forced to hold on closer to him.

Instead of watching the road, I found myself staring in the mirror at his sharp jawline, his perfect little stubble, and the soft curve of his lips. I had a hard time believing he couldn't move on from me.

"I love you," I grumble into my helmet.

There was no way he could hear me over the roar of the engine beneath us but the small smile on his face was almost as if he knew.

And that was the last time I saw Alejandro alive


Neither one of us saw the SUV swerving into our lane causing the fatal collision.

It all happened so fast.

I know I hit the ground and started rolling.

I tried to sit up,

But I felt like I couldn't.

Something was holding me down.

I couldn't control my limbs.

I could turn my head to the side and I could see just ten feet away from me, a still, unmoving Alejandro.

The shattered glass, the blood, the gasoline, the pavement.

I tried to reach for him but I couldn't move my arms.

I couldn't speak.

His back was to me.

His head...oh god there was so much blood.

Just breathe Ali, give me a sign


But the breath never came.

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